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wDs. KillerBob The Anal Av


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by wDs. KillerBob The Anal Av

  1. This is exactly what I thought. Needless to say I have another post that needs to be updated now
  2. So... Recent events now have me a little confused. Here is the hypothetical situation. Player Kidnapped Steve. Player brings Steve to the kidnap area but Steve Wakes up before Player is able to put Steve into a cage. Steve starts walking around Players base. Player Claims that since he kidnapped Steve, he has to do what Player tells him to do or it's FailRP and he will call an admin. Player starts demanding Steve to get in the cage. Does Steve have any obligation to stay in Players base? Does Steve have to willingly go into Players cage? From what I have always been told, you aren't obligated to do anything for your kidnapper except for: Pay Ransom - OR - Wait the 5 minutes so kidnapper has to free you. - UNLESS - The kidnapper never finished kidnapping you. (waking up before you are placed in a cage) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT counter actions before getting involved. For example,asking a kidnapper to release your friend otherwise you might counter the action Max Kidnapping Time: 5 minutes Knocking people out and not kidnapping them is not allowed, when you knock someone out you must attempt to actually kidnap them Kidnapper Rules Basic Description: You kidnap people and make them your slave. Raid Heist Kidnap Mug Base Megabase Alien Race can Raid and Heist if all three are together Jobs in this ruleset: Cultist The Silent Alien Race
  3. Bad ragdolls are bad That being said: Go into GMOD build mode and play with ragdolls and the tools associated with them. You'll notice that as you twist certain limbs, deflate others. Etc... It actually makes the ragdoll harder to grab with phys_gun. As sugar said The more a ragdoll is changed the harder it is to grab/kidnap a player using that model.
  4. It has happened to me maybe 3 times in the last week(ish) It all works fine but then randomly you go grab your awp from inventory to ventilate some foo's; and it won't open..
  5. I think you guys are trying to /drop and or /invholster bound weapons. Bound weapons are class/job specific. Like a thief cannot holster or drop their lockpic, hackers cannot drop or holster their keypad crackers. Also, you cannot /invholster enchanted/upgraded weapons. You must drop them and pick them up. I use my /invholster bind all the time and it never fails.
  6. I use the motor tool in my bases for doors sometimes, kind of like vault-Tec doors.. Realistically we all know how to kill people with props/tools, and if you are caught doing it on purpose then bye bye. It's that simple. You abuse you get banned,if no staff is on make a forum post in the reports section.
  7. Job Abuse/Fail RP as CP punishments are actually fairly steep. We do try to keep the peace with CP as !staff but it's tough when most players do not know when to report... What I mean is if you get RDA'd once treat it as RDMx1. Ask the player in /ooc "Why did you arrest me?" If they do not answer within a reasonable time use a /pm. If still no answer just take the RDA for what it was. IF the same player RDA's you then I highly encourage you to use the @ Chat. Then any online staff will see " Gnome - Player AssClown has RDA'd me 2 times with no response as to why, I was only walking around near fountain." We Teleport you to a sit, check logs, then teleport the offender to us; pretty much putting them on trial. From there we handle it accordingly. If you feel the Arrest was completely false please report it to staff immediately do not wait! Also Take a look at your jobs Cons using !motd, some jobs are prone to arrest on sight (AOS.) The same rules follow for Over Fining and Random wanting a player. Here is what we are told to follow as staff, but some RDA's do happen accidentally when trying to arrest someone thats in a group of players. Falsely Arresting/Wanting someone (RDA) If on accident usually a verbal warning would be given unless it could have obviously been avoided. On purpose but with false reason than a warning can be given. If the RDA was intentional than a one hour ban can be put in place. Mass RDA intentional or not can lead to being banned for a week. Also remember that you possibly could have done something that is an arrest able offence, possible not knowing it.
  8. I am so tired of getting complaints due to CC player models. It's always the same thing, someone buys a CC, uses a playermodel from a class that cannot raid; and raids. Todays example: T-mod space jesus is in a CC as "Jesus" which has the same player model as preacher. The CC color is blue similar to CP. Since it is just SpaceJesus and I on, people have been messaging me about "Preachers raiding base HALP!" They had attempted to raid me and that's when i noticed they weren't preachers. Their CC allows them to raid apparently but the CC's Playermodel just raises too much heck...
  9. Ok, so here we are with a few ideas ( a few have been mentioned previously.) A Webpage that automatically updates with bans in real time, and allows remote bans. Also, the ability for the staff that banned the player to comment. Reason: 1. If ban extensions are needed higher ranked staff doesn't have to log on in game. 2. We can then see how many times each player has been banned for the same reasons. 3. The staff that banned the player potentially having the ability to give a longer reason for the ban. (eliminating the chance that staff forgets the details for the ban.) A better way to know what each CC's role is. Some CC's are pretty hard to even guess as to what their job is. Reason: 1. There are a good amount of complaints about CC's from players since we have no way of looking up their job description. Update the Bank Managers rules...... Reason: 1. The Bank manager Job is easily exploitable since the safe does not have to be publicly accessible. This leads to players basing around the safe. 2. Players seem to give others 100k to deposit into the safe, then later on when the server is dead the bank manager/guard will change jobs and raid it. 3. Bank managers also will base with players who have nothing to do with the job description I.E. any jobs other than Bank Guards. Most of those players being people who deposited money. New Rules?: 1. Bank manager may only base with bank staff. 2. Players are only allowed to deposit their own cash. (Bank staff not allowed to give players money to deposit.) Those two rules could potentially fix the exploiting with this job.
  10. Couldn't agree more Cullen. Even I know the pains of this where I have to say "sorry guys complete accident" as I KMS. A pedophile Drilled me in PD so I threw my knife at him, he then moved; all of PD died..
  11. And you let this happen? lol... not cool Not entirely smart to admit that on the forums to a staff member. Why.... I agree with Tunnel, this is not cool The quoting is real right now... Theoretically this isn't that big of an issue since most weapons are available VIA processor. All this causes is a market that is flooded for instance: Selling Magnus staffs 20k ea! Someone buys a couple Players switch to necromancer to exploit Now everyone has magnus staffs. No one is willing to buy Meh....I need bank space "drop"
  12. The highest approval I've ever gotten was 66% (8/12) there were 2 offenders. Can the player being voted against take part in the vote? I hope not -.- I think 60-65% for ban Also 50-60% for kick after re-thinking and reading responses
  13. Only downside to the vote system is sometimes you have to do it multiple times since most people actually don't read it since it just pops up. It's like when people want a a job that requires a vote most people press no just to get it off their screen. The times where it should be punishable is when there is staff actively online and on the server, and a player uses the voteban votekick system. But you can't really restrict the system either because sometimes there is 1 staff member online but they are AFK farming...
  14. It's a post about when UwU falls asleep it's like the pantsu is shown with a purpose. LOOK AT THE PANTSU!
  15. The remote admin module would definitely be a great addition for when we see staff on the forums. But what about when there is literally no one?
  16. Please adjust !voteban, and !votekick. I don't know what the current percentage is needed to ban/kick someon since I have never seen it work. Reasons: 1. majority of times this is used is late night with no staff online or available. 2. Too many late night AFK's or non voters to get a 70-100% vote. 3. Depending on how many offenders are online they can sway the vote to result in no punishment. 4. It should only need a 50-60% chance of passing so players have a viable option to temporarily remove an offender when no staff is available. Evidence: Look at all the late night reports, and post; https://www.titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=3388
  17. https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=175&pid=19738#pid19738 That's whats being discussed here, and I 100% Agree. I would just say 0.75-1.5 seconds +1 to change
  18. I can Agree with that, I guess I'm more of a realist. So from what I know about the new weapons the Recoil was default 0.5, which Tits changed to 1. That being said I'd now say at most reduce it t 0.75. That way it's not brutally low, but it is a bit easier to deal with.
  19. Goddamn it Stalin this isn't Russia, Not every shot should hit I know that. (Gun owner myself -.-) But, the spread shouldn't be that wide is what I'm getting at. heck the AR15 is 223/556 theres VERY LITTLE recoil coming from that muzzle, Where as an AK47 is a 7.62X52 I believe (Correction: 7.62X39), and through experience it has alot more recoil since it is a bigger round. Could we maybe agree on making a list of the newly added weapons and reducing or maybe even adding recoil to certain ones?
  20. I think there is definitely room for reduction, I aimed down the sights in all of my tests and my results are above.
  21. Through my IRL training when I was an Armed guard for the federal government, if we couldn't cuff someone in under 2 seconds we failed training.. I personally feel 0.75 - 1.5 seconds would be fine. People may not realize how long a second actually is...
  22. The burst fire works ok at medium to close range, but outside of that it's all over the place. Tested MSMC, AR15, and ACR. All tested at Full auto aiming down sights, then tested in a 2 shot rapid burst patter. SO.. heres the run down.. pic 1 Range, target was reset after each test. pic 2 MSMC Full auto pic 3 MSMC 2 shot rapid burst pic 4 AR15 Full auto pic 5 AR15 2 shot rapid burts pic 6 ACR Full Auto pic 7 ACR 2 shot rapid burst
  23. I actually agree with CuddlyKraken. Every gun from the AR15 to the ACR has disgusting recoil, and I'm talking aiming down sights with 3-5 round bursts. Obviously shooting full auto should have gross recoil, but when bursting cannot solve it; it's gross.
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