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  1. It's extremely hard to read when you have a ton of items. It would be much better if the layout were different/easier to understand.
  2. IGN: Packet Discord: Packet#0007 Favorite Candy: Aero Bar (Hershey's but better)
  3. Ahh, I didn't think about that. It didn't send a message.
  4. Pretty sure shooting a pickup box and destroying it makes the items disappear. I might be mistaken though.
  5. The items getting stuck inside and being unable to get out may only be a visual issue as sometimes it will say 1/5 items, not list any items inside. You eat it, try to hit e on every one, and nothing will come out. Sometimes the same thing happens but the items do in fact come out and the quantity updates.
  6. Add an upgraded pickup box that can hold a max of 8-10 entities. This can make it easier to transfer large amounts of loot from one place to another. Also incentivizes keeping things you can't typically carry in the rotation rather than outright destroying it if you cannot transport it. It could be a crafting exclusive, an upgrade you can purchase to already spawned in pickup boxes, or something else entirely.
  7. Title says it all. Currently, the items are lost and cannot be retrieved. Does not make since that you can destroy things much easier just by pickup boxing it first. Dropping any items contained makes much more sense to me.
  8. After raiding a base with someone playing extremely, extremely loud shitting noises, I can not support this. For the general public that isn't just using this feature or boom boxes to troll/minge, I can support this. Maybe it could be unlockable/bought with in game currency or VIP+ exclusive?
  9. Title says it all. The reasoning being: You just stole a processor. You got to get it out of the box and put it within your base. If you didn't claim ownership of it before stealing it, it will revert to being frozen in whatever position you picked it up in. It may be difficult or impossible to claim ownership due to its positioning and cause you to have to re-pickup box it again. Removing ownership allows you to move it with the grav gun as soon as you take it out. Another issue with this is depending on the orientation you stole it in, it can clip through walls and get lost. If it is no longer frozen and comes out the same way it did as if you just spawned it, it should not be an issue or as big of one.
  10. Can you use the job related items without being the job? The extractor, spirit knife, and kings spawner especially.
  11. Looking for these items (mostly in bulk): Chemical Barrels Artifact Weapons (only looking for ones with good enchants) Trisha Launchers Prestige Tokens Any Unprocessed Drugs Food Packages Cereal DM Packet#0007 with any offers.
  12. So what you're saying is, a veteran with 100+ c4 isn't going to be able to raid a base? You spawn the c4 outside, wait for the timer to be low, shoot it inside the base. It's not hard. You may not successfully pull off the raid every single time but my point was you can reliable get into bases with minimal interaction with the actual base if you just c4 spam. That was my point.
  13. You can't deny how much money you've spent on the server. I wasn't licking your ass, I was stating fax. I don't spend as much time or money as you do on the damn server, Of course I'm not going to be as good as you lmao. Never claimed I was. Go back to being toxic somewhere else you sad, sad soul.
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