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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/17 in all areas

  1. Responsibilities: You will be in charge every week to provide me a piece of writing you created for the paper, and so that means you must PM the piece, and it can be about anything. As long as it's not breaking any forum rules. Being late on your writings can result in demotion and I will understand if you have a good excuse. Or you have a big article you want more time on. In the future, we will have our own private discussion page where you can post your writings there. Most importantly try having good grammar and make sure you spell check. If I have to repeatedly edit your writing then you will be demoted. Once your submission is sent it will either be added to that week's paper or next weeks paper. Depending on space and importance. You will be in charge of helping me edit the paper, organizing the paper, and putting input under writers apps. Rules about apps Q&A : Post your apps below and I will review them In the future, apps will have its own app section I expect good grammar/no spelling errors Once we get more co-head editors, they will be able to add their input If denied apply in a week If accepted I will have a one on one meeting to train you Don't reply to your app, if you have questions pm me Sugar will be cool with the paper if it's good in quality, So I will be picking people who are somewhat active on the forums, this also means if you are known to troll and cause problems on the server. It will play a factor in your app, but I'll be open minded Please note you guys are writers! Which means I expect detail descriptions in your app. MODS AND ABOVE ONLY Copy+Paste this Steam name (in-game name)- Age- Post made- Favorite post you ever made- Tell me about yourself- What kind of writings are you interested in making- Availability- Describe yourself in 4 words- Why do you want to be part of this-
    1 point
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