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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/16 in all areas

  1. Potential New Job (Based on a Scriptfodder addon): Hacker Salary = 85 Desc: Use your terminal to solve problems for your clients that will pay you based on difficulty Features from addon Video of addon being mentioned in action: [video=youtube] Sugar, if you like this idea I already own the addon and wouldn't mind send it to you as I feel like it adds options when it comes to money. My only complaint is that the missions don't pay particularly "great" so you could change the numbers if you feel like it's necessary. If you wanna test it as well for yourself before a final choice I'll still toss it to you. To players who are curious the tutorial is able to be viewed ingame with the "help" command, or the URL http://manolis.io/hacking/tutorial if you want to view it before it's potentially added to the server. Be warned, this does actually take a thought process much like the Amphetamine Cook. They are similar in the sense of being paid makes you wanted, requires patience, and when you get the hang of things it becomes more/less fun.
    1 point
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