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Event Thread

Doc McStubbins�

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I had tree people approach me last night with new ideas for some events. Please use this thread to give your ideas for new ones that the staff can set up. 





Prop Climb DeathMatch: Everyone is TPd to a starting room. When the doors open, last man standing is the winner. There is one gun at the finish of the course. All citizens, and no use of personal items. 



I look forward to some of your ideas.

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Kick the baby: 5 pedobears with 25 health chasing one baby with 100 health. Whoever's left over gets a price.

Sharkplosion: 1 citizen in the water has to get to a certain goal while sharks chase him down. The only weaponry he's allowed to use is a sbc cannon.

Save the lord: Jesus will be set on top of a hard to get to spot, first person to get on top and handcuff jesus will get a price. No weaponry other than jesus using his throwing book to push people off are allowed.

Mafia and the dwarfs: Mafia leader and pissed babies have to run to a certain location with a bag, the babies must protect the mafia leader that caries the bag. Get to this point and win a price.

Fall this fall: Have a 10x10 setup with plates and 5 people batling with only blowtorches/bunkerbusters in their hands. They remove the plates and try to get people to fall down. Last man standing wins!

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Knock-out: Everyone gets set at 1 health and are left with nothing but their fists to fend for themselves.


One-shot, one-kill: Everyone gets a sniper and starts with 50 health. 


Doctor McStubbin's parkour course: Complete the given course.


The last one standing: Players get spawned on a high place and are given clown horns to try and knock each other off, fall damage kills them, last one standing wins!

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General Rules for any event:


[] Do not use any inventory items.

[] Do not attempt to return to the event under any circumstances.




  • Kidnap Mania: Everyone is given a bludgeon, there could be a time-limit to this, but everyone basically would go at it, last-man standing wins a prize.
  • Extreme Parkour: All players will run through a parkour, but there would be a team of Snipers (or Sniper) who shoot at random players as they try to win the parkour. Last man standing/whoever makes it to the end wins by default.
  • Coup d'état: Everyone would be set to hobo (if this is allowed) and there would be one Hobo Lord, the Hobo Lord is given an automatic-rifle, and all the hobo's are given a knife. Their goal is to overthrow the Hobo Lord at any cost.
  • The Floor is Lava: Everyone would spawn in a small arena and 1 player throws all of his molotovs (SCRIPTED WEAPON) at the ground from above, last man/men standing wins. (MULTIPLE WINNERS POSSIBLE).
  • Maze Deathmatch: Everyone would spawn/be teleported to a maze-entrance, you are all given a knife and required to get through the maze or become the last man standing.
  • Zombies: A team of zombies (hobos) would spawn with a knife/or use fists and be given adrenaline, a small team of players would spawn with an automatic weapon. First team to cease existence loses.

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