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Hobo Dumpster Diving


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Hobos should be able to click "e" on the dumpsters around the map to get random items that are average. It would have to have a cool-down time. A couple ideas of the different items it could give you would be:


"You've found (random amount between 5000 - 25000) $5000 dollars while digging through the trash!"


"You've found a (random gun) Winchester shotgun while digging through the trash!"


"You've found a chemical barrel while digging through the trash!"


"You've found a sound reducer bomb while digging through the trash!"


"You've found a mini bank c4 while digging through the trash!" (RARE)


"You've found a (random) talisman while digging through the trash!"




A Possible downside would be that you have a 1/5 chance to be infected with ebola while digging through a dumpster. Watch out for those used needles!

Another downside could be that your vision could be blurred or some kinda of side effect that would make it harder to see. Just some ideas!!

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This was a thought a while back. Some people said that it was suppose to be added and then it was just forgotten and no one said anything about it.


Glad someone brought the idea back though. Me and Speedy I think was talking about how it should be like chemical hoses. You dig through a dumpster and theres a 5 minute cooldown and you can only use that dumpster 5 times. Theres also would be different dumpster locations. Something like that.



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