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Chemical engineer QOL

North Bear

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Quality of Life


Description: Chemical engineering was great but since its last nerf its very, very slow. Sumarry below.


How to reproduce:

I went ahead and made 400 health potions.

A health potion needs 2 ingredients, litterally the easiest one to make.

It costs 1 second to buy one ingredient so 2 seconds per health potion.

There is a 4-5 second cooldown between making a next potion.


This brings the total to around 6 seconds per health potion.


400 potions would make this a 2400 second trip which boils down to 40 minutes for just a small stack of potions considering its fast use.

The usage of these potions is quite fast because it only heals you up 20 HP.


I would love for it to be reduced to about 4 seconds per potion. .5s per ingredient and 3 sec cooldown per potion making.


Priority: Low/medium

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Should just make it where you can buy ingredients in bundles of 25/50/100/etc. Same goes for crafting ... Ofc this would make it super easy to farm xp thoo ... Honestly Chem. Engineer shouldnt offer so much xp. If anything... The amount of xp you get from a potion should be switched with the amount of xp you get from farming wood/metal.


Just because farming takes more effort.

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Should just make it where you can buy ingredients in bundles of 25/50/100/etc. Same goes for crafting ... Ofc this would make it super easy to farm xp thoo ... Honestly Chem. Engineer shouldnt offer so much xp. If anything... The amount of xp you get from a potion should be switched with the amount of xp you get from farming wood/metal.


Just because farming takes more effort.


Chem engineer offers 1 xp tick per 4 potions. You make like a quarter of an xp bar with those 400.



@walter, QOL template and its example seems in the same direction as what this is but sure I dont mind :0

"Quality of Life


Description: The PD spits out 2 shipments, it should be more


How to reproduce: Raid the PD, it only spits out 2


Priority: Low"

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