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[Serious] Discussion on how long the server will be up.


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I know we've all been thinking it in the back of our heads. We all love this server and have spent the last couple months of our lives on it. I love this server and would hate for it to be gone. Sugar I would love if you did not respond to this thread until we have at least 5 comments. I am curious to see how long people think the server will be up for. Personally, I think it will only be up for maybe another year or two. But I hope it's up longer? The people I have met on this community are truly outstanding and I think that if I met any of you irl, I would recognize you instantly. Sugar I hope you don't have any plans of closure for this server since, it really is something beautiful. Just think about it, we are people from all over the country, joined together by one community, called TitsRP, I don't know about you, but the fact that all of us are connected is amazing to me. I honestly hope to be with you guys for at least another year. If you are going to comment on this post to be a dank memer, please don't, I am making this thread to legitametly see how long people think the server will be up for.


EDIT: Sorry if I had a lot of repetition, wasn't thinking very clearly.

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well, that's a tough subject. I believe that the server will be up as long as there are people to play on it. but then there is that thing of real life which always seems to get in the way of life on the computer. I think that the server will be up as long as sugar keeps running it as a hobby.

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It won't close until I either lose 100% interest and move on with life (which then I would pass it down to someone else) or unless our server gets so janky that people leave for good.


While I have lost most of my interest playing on the server for various reasons (mainly school + some other IRL stuff), I have learned to LOVE working on it. Ever since I have picked up on how to actually work around some things, I enjoy waking up in the morning, every morning and working on something I can either add, fix, optimize or anything.


In the beginning, this server was a cash grab. The exact words from Morins was "Hey, you can open up a Gmod server and make a fuck ton of money and not be corrupt like this shit server (we were playing on some other server at the time)". I allowed people to buy RPGs, Nerve Gas, C4 that blew down 90% of your base, VIP was $10..the server revolved around Custom Classes and killing the fuck out of each other.


My mindset has completely changed 300% and I just don't care anymore about personal gains. You are all players that deserve to have that one server owner that cared. I try very hard to hear everyone's opinions and I am very transparent. Even though this is only a Gmod DarkRP server which is the most ridiculed gamemode on Gmod for the exact reason of being RP, I really like this community and I am happy to be a part of it.


I hope for when that final day comes, which it will, I will go out being known as the server owner who cared. I don't know how long its going to be but as of right now, enjoy the present.

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This server is unrivaled. I will NEVER be part of a better community in my entire life. I just want to thank you in advance for what you've done, Sugar. This is the greatest server with the greatest community of people I have ever been a part of. My days of TTT were spent attempting to get people to even notice me, 1942RP was spent with really only 4 good friends I had there. Here? I have become a part of this beautiful community, becoming friends with almost everyone here.


Thank you, Sugar. Thank you for this great community. With people playing like they do now, this will never die.

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Alright,im not joking now,I usually just joke around and everything but yeah, let me be real for once.


I have been on a shit ton of server,not just darkrp,and not just gmod,I have been playing video games since I could hold a controller in my hand.


I have travelled from xbox to playstation,to PC to WII and so on....


I have seen a shit load of community's.A lot were bad and a lot were good.


But,Ive never seen...


A server....


Like this.


This server is the best Gaming Playground ive been to.In this server I feel like another person,IRL I had to leave school because teachers wanted to put me back in psychological treatment.And so on...


Going on this server makes me forget about every trouble I currently have. No matter why I spend like 5 hours a day on this server. This server made my league of legend addiction die.


Seeing it go would be a terrible lost for me,and so I hope I get tired of gmod before I see it go.Heh,weird to say heh? Wanting to get tired of a game before saying goodbye to everyone. Normally people quit the game because people are annoying.But this is exactly why I love this server,because its different from the rest.



I dont care about what people say about other server, 50 slot? who cares.Those 50 slots are 50 slots for the coolest people ive met in my entire gaming life.


And I could go on for way much more.But if I do the entire forum would be full of the good things this server gives <3






Thank you tits,you gave me something to work on. Ill work harder as a player to help share my love for this server with other people.....



*Seeing this message fills you with...*




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We can all agree we don't want this server to go. We've all become fond of each other (sometimes * cough* neko's ugly *cough*). But i can safely say this community is one of the best and i know I am not the only one to say this. If the server were to ever go, yes we would probably move on but nothing can fill the space knowing TitsRp is gone and nothing could be better <3

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If I may respond to you all, I feel 100% the same way. Yes, I may have just started playing on this server not too long ago, but this server has grown on me. Has grown to be one of my favorite Gmod servers to play on simply because of the community and how you all are and act. Most servers are full of morons who simply play to troll. But no, you guys are completely different. Every single one of you that is a part of this community I have seen has their own special "something" they bring to the server and that's what makes it unique. That's what makes me want to stay for as long as I can.


I am also a moderator if some of you may not know. I became a moderator because i loved how this server was. I wanted it to be full of joy and happiness for everyone. Including me. I have so many real life things I do on a day to day basis. College, job, family, friends... All things I deal with. But I stay on this server and watch over it because I love to see everyone happy. If people are having fun, then so am I.


And Sugar man. I may not know you that well. (We've talked a few times) but man, you founded the greatest community. Could not have asked for anything more. What you have done to this continuous growing community is just amazing. As long as you're still here to run it, and keep it up, it will never die. The community is just too great. <3


I love you all. You guys are the best! (:

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