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The Better Stealth/Reduced Size Tailsmen need Nerfed


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I also should clarify with piklas before he gets too salty that I am not the one that has a problem with any of this. I still had an interesting exchange of gunfire with skrtskrt. I don't personally mind that much because I am not so terrible at the game to where every time something happens I blame it on the other player. The issue for me is that it causes a lot of complaints in the community as a whole, that is partially on me to deal with. I used to have stealth camo before it was bush camo. I never really used it to raid or anything I just thought it was cool. But I don't personally mind fighting someone doing this. I just get tired of hearing everyone saying "that's fucking bullshit" and objectively, it IS sort of bullshit that they have to deal with so many tryhards doing it on a regular basis.

So you argument for people using them is that you don't use them and that means that other people should not because it makes them stronger?

If you have not tried using something and you are just saying it sounds overpowered why are you still making posts about "facts", against i re-iterate my point that you are not in a position to speak on the ins and outs on raiding when you do not use the tools and to my knowledge are inexperienced with the act.


1. I can and will speak about whatever the fuck I want to, I live in USA bitch.

2. I am speaking more in defense of the larger community as a whole that is affected by this. I personally don't really mind, but I can see that objectively it is pretty ridiculous to have these be able to be combined to where someone is basically unnoticeable and near impossible to hit.


I would much rather see the skill of getting into a base nerfed so that people who do use the fully juiced resources have a harder time getting in and doing those firefights, effectively giving more time for the baser to react to that player.


I don't see how we are opposed if this is the case.

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There are players who are tryhards on the server, yes. What is the problem in people trying harder to win and getting results? 

As an anecdote when I was new on the server and saw tez v1 use a c4 I thought "holy shit thats op compared to lockpicking", found out it costed alot and played rock paper scissors until i could afford a raid using it. I didn't go onto the forums crying that since I didn't/couldn't use that expensive tool on a regular basis that it should be nerfed.


You keep saying that you do not use the tools and now that you don't mind but that they are objectively op while conveniently dodging the opportunity cost, If people could use it on a regular basis they would. I would use it in pd raids and people would pop them to do a revolt. That is not the objective truth since talismans are hard to get, (again 2000 or 4000 pooled xp for 1 desired talisman). I am guessing you didn't farm xp to get talismans either, presumably because 2000 xp takes a lot of effort to farm. This whole argument is like saying someone is using superclockers on their printers and staying in base to babysit them but since Jimmy said that is bullshit since he isn't using them to get more money.


If you want yet another example I am guessing you don't walk around with 2 legendary weapons on you since its way too risky if you die to lose them and their 500k value to general buyer. Now just apply that same logic but instead of getting more damage from weapons you get more survivability from the said talismans



"causes a lot of complaints in the community as a whole" --> https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/bandwagon


Complaints don't always = underlying issues of server. People complain alot about many things on the server, that does not mean you can cherry pick something that you agree with and say that it is an issue because you get alot of complaints about it, example being alot of people complain about rdm but in reality they just didn't know that person had a valid reason to kill --> This doesn't mean that we need to crack down harder on rdm since there wasn't an underlying problem, just people complaining. Note: there are problems with better stealth specifically and i already explained that, this is just to demonstrate why complaints don't equal problems

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Mentor Peanut Butter banned SkrtSkrt for 5 days (Raiding as tiny, invisible charple)


I’m just going to drop this here considering I don’t think it’s fair to ban someone for using talismans that were intended to make you small during a raid, when it says no where in MOTD and you lose thousands of pooled up xp on death unlike with small models you just spawn small and you lose nothing.

You can’t say you should know it’s not allowed, when multiple talismans are useful for raiding like increased C4 size so why aren’t all talismans allowed? 


If we are deciding they’re not allowed to be used like that now you should unban skrtskrt, but it’s only imo.

I also wanna add that the stealth talisman was nerfed so it’s tinted blue

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Mentor Peanut Butter banned SkrtSkrt for 5 days (Raiding as tiny, invisible charple)


I’m just going to drop this here considering I don’t think it’s fair to ban someone for using talismans that were intended to make you small during a raid, when it says no where in MOTD and you lose thousands of pooled up xp on death unlike with small models you just spawn small and you lose nothing.

You can’t say you should know it’s not allowed, when multiple talismans are useful for raiding like increased C4 size so why aren’t all talismans allowed? 


If we are deciding they’re not allowed to be used like that now you should unban skrtskrt, but it’s only imo.

I also wanna add that the stealth talisman was nerfed so it’s tinted blue


You should know better than to say "if its not in MOTD I can do it". However as I already said I am not sure whether it is or is not allowed, I think it requires more discussion at this point. I only banned him because I was told to ban him. Other staff disagreed, but did not unban him or tell me to, so he can make an appeal at any time, as I recommended he do, and I'm sure he could be unbanned. But I'm not just gonna do it because you want me to.

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