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King Changes


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The King is taken 24/7 - which can be seen as a good thing, but it isn't... Because one person has it 24/7.


Rule Changes:

King cannot place portal in any buildings


King cannot place portal in any buildings with doors he doesn't own


QOL Changes:


Allow bigger props for the King.

Make the "Red Box" in the Kings land only visible when the phys gun / tool gun is out (King only or everyone).

Allow Kings Guard to see the portal placement. 

King can fire Kings Guard.

Allow King to place the portal in the Kingdom. By default, if there is no king or the portal has not been placed down yet - the portal spawns the way it is now.

King / King guards gets a notification when anyone enters the kingdom portal (not exiting though).

Kings Guard cannot be selected until there is a King.


New Event:


"Raid the King"


PD can raid the king with !KingRaid (or something similiar) - it can only be done while there is a King and a Mayor on.

The mayor can see the location of the portal, the King can see the location of the Mayor.

When the King dies, he gets demoted - so do the kings Guard.

The event start only notifies the PD / King Faction - it does not notify anyone else.





Sometimes when going in and out of the portal, you get black lines accross your screen that flicker, and your screen is "Frozen" but you can still move. When you move away from the portal, it fixes itself.

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The King is taken 24/7 - which can see as a good thing, but it isn't... Because one person has it 24/7.


Rule Changes:

King cannot place portal in any buildings


King cannot place portal in any buildings with doors he doesn't own


QOL Changes:


Allow bigger props for the King.

Make the "Red Box" in the Kings land only visible when the phys gun / tool gun is out (King only or everyone).

Allow Kings Guard to see the portal placement. 

King can fire Kings Guard.

Allow King to place the portal in the Kingdom. By default, if there is no king or the portal has not been placed down yet - the portal spawns the way it is now.

King / King guards gets a notification when anyone enters the kingdom portal (not exiting though).

Kings Guard cannot be selected until there is a King.


New Event:


"Raid the King"


PD can raid the king with !KingRaid (or something similiar) - it can only be done while there is a King and a Mayor on.

The mayor can see the location of the portal, the King can see the location of the Mayor.

When the King dies, he gets demoted - so do the kings Guard.

The event start only notifies the PD / King Faction - it does not notify anyone else.


this is a reply to the event


PD can already raid the portal if they find illegal items inside it or know their are some. This wouldn't really be that useful or fun.

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I mean... Some of these are good and some of these seem very odd to me.

Green= +1

Red= -1

Yellow= +1/-1


Allow bigger props for the King. 

Make the "Red Box" in the Kings land only visible when the phys gun / tool gun is out (King only or everyone).

King can fire Kings Guard.

Allow King to place the portal in the Kingdom. By default, if there is no king or the portal has not been placed down yet - the portal spawns the way it is now.

Kings Guard cannot be selected until there is a King.

Allow Kings Guard to see the portal placement. 

♥Unless you aren't allowed to "hide" your portal. This will be easily abused and prolly annoying for sits. You could simply become a Kings Guard to find the portal and then swap back over to your raid class.


King / King guards gets a notification when anyone enters the kingdom portal (not exiting though).

♥This makes you not have to pay attention as much and nobody can sneak raid you. 


"Raid the King"


PD can raid the king with !KingRaid (or something similiar) - it can only be done while there is a King and a Mayor on.

The mayor can see the location of the portal, the King can see the location of the Mayor.

When the King dies, he gets demoted - so do the kings Guard.

The event start only notifies the PD / King Faction - it does not notify anyone else.

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The makeshift portal which is planned to be a crafted item will allow people to raid the kingdom (it will alert the king & his guards once placed). I can make it so if any of those people kill the king then the king is demoted. Originally, the king was demoted on death but some people said that was dumb so I disabled it.


The portal placement will be adjusted so you must place it in the open & not in houses or underground

The red box will be removed

Firing guards is fine


Raiding the king from the PD's eyes might be cool addition but I can see that the king may be underpowered if 10+ swat come through a portal to kill the king

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Makeshift portal would be great because you could probably:


Only have one active portal at a time

If you have entered the portal and died, you cannot enter again (Enforces NLR).

Portal is open for 10 minutes (w/e the raid time is) or until the person who originally opened it died.


King has himself + kings guard. The king creates everything out of props. I would see that itself being hard for the PD if the king builds properly. Could be limited to x amount of people based on the amount of guards / CP on at the moment.

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