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Economy (Salaries), Police Supplier, License Vending Machine, Lottery Tax

Umbak Klak

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Hi got some Cop related suggestions I've been sitting on. I'll start with the easiest.


Note: I added suggestions for putting more money into the vault because of the larger suggestion at the bottom (The economy system)


License Vending Machine: Title explains itself, basically just a vending machine the Mayor can spawn that sells Gun Licenses for a price (which they can set). Currently it seems like NOONE gets licenses and theres no easy way for the Mayor to give them out without risking dying. This would just be something nice to add, and a way for the Mayor to make a bit of cash (Mayor put a % of cost in vault?)


Lottery Tax: Once again, title explains. 10% of lottery is put into the vault as Tax.


Police Supplier: A cop that mans the Armory, he cannot leave the Police Station at all. Entire point is to sell guns and items to the Police. I thought this would be nice since there's not a lot of freedom for cops to get other guns, a cop buying a gun from a civilian seems... Really weird. And could give him items cops otherwise wouldn't find themselves getting their hands on. (Cannot sell to civilians whatsoever)



Economy/Salaries/Stimulus Packages: Okay this is the big one I really wanted to talk about and get feedback on. Currently, the Mayor feels stale because there's not a whole lot to do other than Lotteries and Laws, and I found a possible solution to this. Essentially there will be an "Economy Bar" which determines how well the economy is doing. It'll range from 0-100%, the % determining how much of your salary you can receive. Salaries should be high for a few reasons. Firstly to help new players (Make CCs have Citizen Salary while non-CC jobs have much higher salaries), secondly to help fuel the PD bank. This can be done through Salary Taxes which the Mayor can set the % of the persons Salary is taken. Keeping this Salary Tax and the Economy Bar % in mind you can see, even if the Salaries are very high you won't get a lot of money from them unless you have a very good and very nice mayor who gives 0% taxes. 

Just so you're up to speed, here's what I mean; The economy is at 50%, your Salary is $1000. That means at MOST per paycheck you could get $500. The mayor has a 25% Tax currently, meaning you lose $125 to Taxes every time and that tax goes into the vault. Make sense? Ok good.

So how does the Mayor influence the Economy? Well, every 10 minutes he's met with a prompt. It asks a question and has multiple answers. Sometimes the answers might cost money from the Vault but the tradeoff is making the Economy go up a little each time you get the right answer. Answer incorrectly and the economy goes down.

And why would the Mayor want a lot of money in the Vault? Introducing: Stimulus Packages. Essentially, the Mayor can spend money from the Vault to equip his Police with various items like guns, grenades, material grenades/bombs, medkits even, etc. etc.. Could also buy stuff like giving himself (Mayor) Jugg armor, increasing cops Health or Armor by a small amount, spending large sums of cash to hire "Elite" Cops that are essentially CC cops with 150 Armor, start !joinevent Events, really the possibilities are endless with this. Given the nature of the server I would full and well expect to see some random, goofy options (Spawning cereal on random people, spawning a Thomas in the square, scrambling bounties, unlocking certain silly jobs for a short time that were previously removed like Ronald my Donald and Ayyy... You get the idea.) These packages should take time to research or deploy so the Mayor can't instantly expend all the funds in the bank. Also the PD vault $ shoudl determine how much money the raiders get. Maybe use this opportunity to give all raiders a cut of the funds rather than just the guy who started it.


Ok so tl;dr Mayor is asked questions, his answer raises or lowers a bar that determines how much salary you get, he can tax you to store money in the Vault to spend on large boosts/packages. Good for Mayor because it makes it less stale and you feel like you're actually doing something, good for raiders because possibility of PD raids actually giving a good amount of money.


This suggestion might be too much to ask and I understand but I saw a similar system done before with great effect, and I think it would fit nicely with our server and give the Mayor/Cops more to do. What do you guys think? It might be confusing and I'm sorry if it is.

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license vending machine would be a good idea if there was a verification system where the mayor can choose whether or not someone trying to buy a license actually gets one. otherwise it defeats the purpose, because if you sell licenses this way, if you revoke a license from someone they can just buy a new one. as of right now you can actually appoint a firearms trainer who can sell licenses though so its not accurate that there is no way to do it without the mayor risking death.


lottery tax yeah why not


police supplier is a bad idea because it would require extra rules for that job which will definitely cause issues that we as staff will hahave to constantly deal with. just hire the actual supplier job and make sure he has a license. also irl cops buy guns from civilians, as long as its a legal licensed dealer, why is that weird?


the economy and salaries sounds complicated but interesting if sugar can write a good system for it.

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1. good point didnt think of that, a verification is a good idea yeah


3. is this a real thing? cops purchase guns from civilians to use in the line of duty? and also it wouldnt need many rules, literally just "dont leave the PD" and "dont sell to non-police".

Also for the economy suggestion I just realized the economy bar/% could be completely removed fromt he idea I just thought it would be neat having the Mayor face questions, and it forces the Mayor to either spend money from his vault or lower the economy, which could piss people off.

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Cool nibster I like these ideas alot.


So first off the License vending machine is a great idea or maybe an NPC (whatever's easier tbh) and set prices on gun licenses and maybe even drivers licenses? That allow you to be able to buy a vehicle just to be a pain :)


Lottery tax, I believe this could help but there really isn't a "vault" for it to go into unless you mean the PD bank which I believe the rewards are static (Random but always X amount of shipments and X amount of dollars randomly, feel like coding in the tax would take a minute)


Police supplier; id tend to agree yeah its weird to buy weapons from civilians but it stimulates the economy which could then hinge off your last idea which is really cool.


So I played in a perp server a while back only old fucks that play gmod will remember pulsar effect role play. They kinda took darkRP and turned it into a different game mode. Cars are in there, there was a mayor system that gave access to economy tabs. The better the city was doing the more money HE made which made the job awesome income as well as the CP and even the civilians (Granted there was a paycheck system) If the crime rate is down (Not too many arrests / fines) then the crime bar went down which didn't take as much income from this pool the government had to spend on things. Also it was really cool they had like these decisions you had to make and based off your answer something catastrophic could happen if you dont' fix it. For instance and this is really fucking neat: A local orphanage needs blood donations to keep their kids alive. Do you want to put money into this from your medical budget or theres a bridge that is starting to look pretty bad outside town do you want to fix that instead? Depending on your answer nothing could happen...Or lets say you decided to donate money to the orphanage well guess what that bridge might have collapsed because of it at a later time making your decisions really cool. I remember one it was like the local weather station needs funding for more accurate depictions of possible weather disasters. or Police need more vehicles so they can catch criminals. If you paid the cops a tornado had a chance of just whipping into the city and actually breaking cars and killing people if you weren't careful.


You must have played on this server clearly as the idea stems directly from it, i totally agree it would be awesome in titsrp.

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