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Hi everyone! YoooooABear here!


Due to the sudden resignation of many great moderators, I would like to post something I have been meaning to post but have not had the time to.


My Pledge:



 I, YoooooABear, pledge my loyalty and allegiance to this server.


I promise not to abuse under any circumstance


I promise my complete and utter respect for ALL players


I promise to be mature


I promise to work my absolute hardest to make you guys happy


I promise that I will play legit and not exploit 


I promise that I have realized not everyone has to like me. I will not be push myself into other players


I promise not to cause any drama 


I promise to make it my duty to create a healthy server environment


I promise not to stop, give up, or quit ever 


I promise to address and solve all conflicts


I promise to put in at least 3 hours a day on this server (I have been avg about 5-6 right now but exams are coming)


I promise to abide and know all rules no matter if they apply to me or not


I promise never to take my position for granted 


I promise to respect all gangs 


I promise to keep on donating money and giving my cc to players


I promise to show my worth/potential 


I promise to stop “spamming” forums (which I have been getting good at)


I promise to stay off the server when my medicine wears off (I get super mingy)


I promise to do more staff events with bigger prizes & much more fun events


I promise to never get cocky 


I promise to never look away from sits that are my friends 


I promise to never be bias 


I promise to never contradict my superiors 


I promise to take the community’s opinions professionally and constructively 


I promise to not be so sensitive


I promise to enforce the rules to the best of my ability’s 



And lastly.....


I pledge to you all. I will never, ever, do anything under any circumstances to harm the server or its players. 



Thank you for reading. I hope to live up to all of my expectations. Feel free to contact me about anything at all.

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+1 for demotion *cough* I mean determination



Sike nah but for real though, I think you’re very committed to this server maybe even more committed than me, in that case, props to you for taking initiative.

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I think you're one of the very few staff who actually take sits and care about the server. The rest just RPs and ban/kick whoever minge near the moderatorRP. 


You don’t know how much this means to me. Thank you so much.

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I think you're one of the very few staff who actually take sits and care about the server. The rest just RPs and ban/kick whoever minge near the moderatorRP. 


You don’t know how much this means to me. Thank you so much.


You're very welcome, sir.

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I think you're one of the very few staff who actually take sits and care about the server. The rest just RPs and ban/kick whoever minge near the moderatorRP. 


You don’t know how much this means to me. Thank you so much.


You're very welcome, sir.


Yea sometimes i think you are the real sugar tits on an alt.

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