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Money Despawn Glitch

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Description: I placed Down 900k To put into my money pot so i can go gamble with a lower amount of money and it just fucking despawned

I have video proof if that is needed. IF posible i would like some compenstaion and i will happily show the video of how it happend


video: https://youtu.be/ESeCJu0fMGs


How to reproduce: I dont know if this happends eveytime but Stand near a money pot while ping is high or being spiked and drop the money

Then it may or may not despawn.


Priority: High

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Uh, I had a problem like this happen to me. I was running my friends printers and it went to max. I dropped the 40k next to the printer and after a while it was gone. I never picked it up and it was never under the printers or anything.

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In the video you legit see you shooting it, do you guys have EYES??


You went from 10 bullets to 9 bullets and then to confirm you didn't accidentally shoot on your client, you pulled out your gun again and had 9 bullets left. Money will be destroyed when shot.

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