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How can you expect us to write a full fuckin story in @ then when you take the sit you make us explain it all again? you can't complain about doing your job you applied to do it....


That usually happens when a T-Mod holds his mouse pointer at the accept button and clicks on it the second he sees it.

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staff never take sits 


you have a life but you are always on the server


also the only people who ever take sits are horny tmods and the second they get mod they take like 90% less sits


Naz. I have been in so many sits with you. Staff are always taking sits but you also minge during sits plus we are in other sits

How can you expect us to write a full fuckin story in @ then when you take the sit you make us explain it all again? you can't complain about doing your job you applied to do it....


Well you see nizzle. You wright the story so We know what happened just in case it does not follow moderation guidelines


Also, I am sure you don’t want us to determine the whole sit on what you wrote.

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Majority of the time, staff doesn't take sit because they enjoy RP. 


Some just sit there and literally suck each other off in admin land experimenting how to thrust people into VoidRP. 



There are staff that farm their printers, or they run around shooting people,Go AFK to gain hours and not announce that they will be gone, or playing as a hobo and sitting in a box putting music through their mic.



This is also true. 




Dindu also has like 5k sits and he hasn't taken one for months!



big facts my guy. 

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Majority of the time, staff doesn't take sit because they enjoy RP. 


Some just sit there and literally suck each other off in admin land experimenting how to thrust people into VoidRP. 



There are staff that farm their printers, or they run around shooting people,Go AFK to gain hours and not announce that they will be gone, or playing as a hobo and sitting in a box putting music through their mic.



This is also true. 




Dindu also has like 5k sits and he hasn't taken one for months!



big facts my guy. 


Nah its cause they are spending their time trying to get rid of their "beauty mark".

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Majority of the time, staff doesn't take sit because they enjoy RP. 


Some just sit there and literally suck each other off in admin land experimenting how to thrust people into VoidRP. 



There are staff that farm their printers, or they run around shooting people,Go AFK to gain hours and not announce that they will be gone, or playing as a hobo and sitting in a box putting music through their mic.



This is also true. 




Dindu also has like 5k sits and he hasn't taken one for months!



big facts my guy. 


Nah its cause they are spending their time trying to get rid of their "beauty mark".


But I thought being brain dead silver 5 removes your mole?

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I'm sorry but I feel like if anyone is going to clear the waters about anything, it shouldn't be a trial mod that got his rank a week ago. I'm not saying this as an offensive jab at you, I'm just saying that it's kinda strange that you're making this when you even said yourself "I mean come on. I got tmod not even a week ago. I have probably been on a total of 12 hours and I already have 270 something sits." When one of your first lines is "Alright boys, time to bring up a monthly topic that kinda gets on the whole staff teams nerves." When you haven't even been staff a month yourself. I just don't think you should be as "all-representing" of staff as you're trying to be. My point pretty much is: Don't let the complainers get to you. Just take it with a grain of salt, but accept real constructive criticism. I'm not even currently a staff member, so all I can say is some suggestions to help you out. This was my constructive criticism to help you out hopefully, and I don't mean anything ill-willed.

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