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800 word essay for giveaway

187th that guy with the gu

Why i am writing the essay for the giveaway  

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  1. 1. Why i am writing the essay for the giveaway

    • I Really Need to win the money
    • I got nothing better to do so maybe this will help people
    • Im not writing this shit, i just hope someone else does it for me

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This is my essay on why you should do a giveaway. Firstly, I'd like to say that your generosity in this manner is definitely appreciated, and hopefully this endeavor will brighten up someone's day. Now for reasons as to why you should host a giveaway. Being honest, there is "selfless" and "selfish" reasons. I'll begin with Selfless. Giving away money to other players will for sure make the winning players feel like they've had at least one good thing happen to them, just envision the smile on that player's face as you tell him: "Congratulations! You won!". Aside from the act of giving charity, this will also definitely boost your reputation as a "nice guy" among players. But also consider how you will feel; You've earned this money and you're giving back to the people, like a new age Robin Hood (Without stealing from the rich, unless you've raided for procs or printers). Who knows, you may even earn a friend! Heck, the fact you even consider doing this giveaway should be a clear sign that you should do it.


Now I'll discuss why you might not want to do this giveaway (Although you better!). Like mentioned before, you've grinded for this money. Your time and effort has gone into getting those funds, and a large portion of your wealth will be gone, and there is no guarantee people will even care after you've done the giveaway. People may also call you out, saying you want it for your own gain, that you'll fake it, but at the end of the day, fuck em. You do you, and if that includes giving back to this community then I commend you.


Now let's discuss some other variables that might pop up. (1) Economy: Due to giving away large sums of cash it may result in an unintended effect on the economy, but I will not lie, this is not likely. (2) Cheapskates: Many players out there are simply in it for themselves and really don't need the cash, but will enter anyway. This is something you will need to deal with and accept, but we can all hope the winners are people who DO need the boost of cash to get them going. (3) Advertisment: This is basically an advertisement for you. You'll be letting everyone know you're a high roller, you're a generous high roller, and that you enjoy giving back to our players. (4) Jealousy: Some players may get salty that they did not win and flame you, if that's the case you'll need to respond appropriately, and either ignore the troll or have a funny witty comeback for best effect. (5) Flaming: You may also get flamed for holding a giveaway, people may say you're only in it for the rep or to make some "fake friends", or to extort people later on but like I mentioned above, pay no heed to these goblins. They seek only to ruin your day and others, and should probably be sent to the pit of heck to meet our fiery brethren Satan. (6) Fake friends: During this period of doing the giveaway, you may also find that suddenly people want to be your friend out of nowhere. This presents two possibilities: Someone actually does want to be your friend just for the friendship, or you may find those who hope to get a better chance of winning by being your friend. (IE Rigged). You must be vigilant for the snakes among us, and not fall into the temptation of giving that one friend a guaranteed win. Both for your reputation as a legitimate person and just whether or not people like you in general. (7) Ego Inflation: As a result of doing this you may inflate your ego slightly and think of yourself as higher then the other plebs but that is a terrible attitude to have in general. Always stay grounded in reality. Sure, you worked hard and DO deserve a pat on the back but don't let that get to your head. Be humble. Be kind. Be yourself. It's the words of wisdom more people should live by, but in this world they are few and far between.


Conclusion: Overall the giveaway has only one major flaw for you: You lose out on 10 million. The other possibilities I mentioned are pretty slim to occur so I wouldn't worry about it, but even then the benefits outway the negatives. You are a kind person for considering the giveaway in the first place, and I hope this essay will do its job and convince you to do so. You'll earn positive REP, possibly some new friends and overall a sense of accomplishment and pride for helping your respectable, young peers out in the game


Thank you for reading my essay. -END


I fixed herbs essay np



This is a very good essay, did you do this yourself?

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Education means considerably more than just teaching a student to read, write, and manipulate numbers. Computers, the Internet, and advanced electronic devices are becoming essential in everyday life and have changed the way information is gathered. How this new technology is utilized in the curriculum and managed by teachers will have an important role to play in widening the resource and knowledge base for all students. Technology affects the way teachers teach and students learn. To make the best use of information technology (IT), schools need a workable plan to fully integrate it into all aspects of the curriculum so students are taught how, why, and when to use technology to further enhance their learning. If a school does not have a clear plan of how and why it wishes to implement IT, then it runs the risk of wasting money. In schools today, nearly all classrooms have access to a computer. However, many schools mistake this as incorporating information technology into the curriculum. School staff need to research what IT is available and what would best serve the school's purpose, not simply purchase the latest equipment. There should be a policy stating how IT is going to assist pupils' development and what teachers want pupils to achieve (Reksten, 2000). Staff members need to be clear about what they want IT to do for them before they can start incorporating it into their lessons. The only way information technology is going to be useful to schools is if all staff members are well-informed and fully supported. It is the principal's responsibility, and should be part of the school's plan, to ensure that all staff are consulted about the changes, and that the change is carefully organised. Some teachers may be resistant, especially if they have not had much experience with computers, so training teachers is essential in implementing IT into the school curriculum. Staff members must feel involved in the process of acquiring technology, and in learning how to operate it, in order for them to increase their confidence in using IT as a curriculum tool. Teachers are only going to be able to incorporate IT into their lessons if they are competent users themselves (Reksten, 2000). In addition, teachers need to be aware that IT within the classroom is extremely flexible, but that they need to plan what purpose IT serves in each lesson. The skills a child learns are the Comment [de1]: Structure: Introductions The essay begins with a general lead into the broad topic by indicating the inadequacy of traditional teaching alone. It sets up a problem that the essay will solve. See essay introduction. Comment [de2]: Format: Spacing Essays are usually double-spaced or 1.5-line spaced. See formatting and layout. Comment [de3]: Structure: Introductions The topic is narrowed by affirming the significance of IT for teachers and students. Comment [de4]: Structure: Introductions The final sentence is the thesis statement. Notice how the beginning of the sentence is constructed to answer the essay question. It uses keywords from the question: “best use”, “information technology”, and “schools”. See essay thesis statement. Comment [de5]: Format: Abbreviations “Information technology” is followed by its abbreviated form in brackets: “(IT)”. Now that it has been defined, the abbreviation can be used elsewhere in the essay. Comment [de6]: Structure: Body paragraphs The first sentence of this paragraph is the topic sentence. It signals that the paragraph is about how schools need a clear plan for implementing IT. This point follows up on the first point made in the thesis statement: schools need a workable plan. See essay body paragraphs. Comment [de7]: Structure: Body paragraphs This statement moves into specifics; it details particular actions that a school can do to develop an IT plan. See essay body paragraphs. Comment [de8]: Referencing: In-text citation This in-text citation indicates that the idea presented in this sentence is taken from an outside source. The in-text citation gives the surname of the author (Reksten) and the year the source was published (2000). This citation uses APA style. See APA in-text citation. Comment [de9]: Structure: Body paragraphs The final sentence of the paragraph summarises and restates the idea introduced at the start of the paragraph. Comment [de10]: Referencing: Paraphrasing The idea in this sentence is taken from an outside source, as indicated by the in-text citation. The exact wording of the source has not been used, so this is a paraphrase. See paraphrasing and summarising. important part of any lesson, and it is the same with technology. IT needs to be used and understood in all subjects in the same way as the ability to read is necessary for all subjects, and “must be used across the curriculum, in the same way that a pen and pencil are used in most subject areas” (Ager, 2000, p. 15). The best way to plan the use of IT in the classroom is to approach it as simply a learning tool that is more advanced (and more exciting) than the traditional pen and paper. It is vitally important for students to be taught the strategies for using IT. Children also need to be fully informed about the capabilities of IT before being asked to use it. Pupils should be aware that the contexts in which they use IT will change, and they need to know what the appropriate use of IT is and what is not. Whilst it is important that children learn to use IT effectively, teachers must emphasise that IT is not always suitable. According to Apter (1968), the danger is that the “computer dehumanizes people and inevitably leads them to act like machines themselves” (p. 58). Teachers must make sure they plan to use variety in their lessons. Too much IT instruction may be just as harmful to a child as not enough. The usefulness of IT in the classroom, as with any learning tool, depends on the innovation and imagination of the teacher. It is imperative, though, that the implementation of IT into a school is carefully planned. The current information explosion makes it essential that IT be used extensively within the classroom so children know how to use IT appropriately and effectively. Teachers must, therefore, be fully informed about what kinds of IT are available and whether or not they are appropriate for classroom use. School boards and teachers must therefore ensure that all staff have a clear plan about what they want their students to achieve through IT. The appropriate incorporation of IT into the classroom will broaden the minds and skills of students, allowing them to be better prepared for further technological advances Enjoy this essay from google.

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The problems of our survival are more difficult than those of other nations. Perhaps there are nations which can afford the luxury of internal strife, quarrelling and beating each other up. Where Nature provides the human race with an abundance of everything, it may not value so highly the need for unity of action and thus of will. We Germans, however, have been treated very shabbily by Nature on this earth. A great People, an infinitely capable People, a hard-working People, a People who want to live and have the right to expect something from life, live in an area which, no matter how hard we work, is much too confined and limited to provide us with all we need. When we sometimes hear foreign politicians say: "Why do you need more space?", we could reply by asking them: "Why is this so important for you?" Precisely because the struggle to survive is so much more difficult in our country than anywhere else, we are forced to draw special conclusions from this which determine our fate. We cannot live on phrases, clichés and theories but only on the fruits of our labor, our abilities and our intelligence. 


The most important word in managing our National Socialist economy is not the word "theory", or the word "money", or "capital" but the word "production". Believe me, my fellow Germans: it takes more thought, effort and concentration to draw up and implement a four year plan that will ensure that our People have the necessities of life in future, than to have a printing press churn out more money. 


It is very easy to go before a nation today and say: "We are raising salaries, earnings and wages"; and then the following day we raise prices. And it is very easy to say: "We are reducing working hours, in other words productivity, and to compensate for this we are raising wages." That is perhaps popular at the time. But the system must collapse, because what keeps people alive is not the paper money they receive but the overall production of their fellow citizens. That is the most basic principle of National Socialist economic policy. 


Life imposes on each generation its own struggle for this life. The prejudices and the irrationalities which centuries have created cannot be completely eradicated in four years. It cannot be accomplished overnight! But we do have the will to do this and with this will we shall never capitulate! And you will concede that we are doing a thorough job. In these four years we have established order. We have ensured that it is not the dishonest person who is ultimately rewarded, but that the millions of decent working people in the towns and villages were able to enjoy the success they deserve! 


In Germany we have completely broken with a world of prejudices. I look at myself. I am after all a child of the People and I do not come from some castle but from a working-class family. I was not a General either but a soldier like millions of others. There is something wonderful about the fact that in our country an unknown figure from the millions of Germans, German working people and soldiers, could reach the highest position in the Reich and the Nation! At my side stand Germans from all walks of life who today are the leaders of the nation; former agricultural workers are Lieutenant Governors (Reichsstatthalter); today former metal workers are District Administrators (Gauleiter) and so on. However, former middle class citizens and former members of the aristocracy also have their place in this movement. We do not care what their origins are as long as they can work for the benefit of our People. That is what matters. 


For everyone has to obey orders. We have obeyed orders. I was a soldier for almost six years and I never talked back, I always obeyed orders. Today fate has singled me out to be in command. And I must demand this of every German: You, too, must be able to obey orders, or else you will never be worthy of giving orders! That is essential. We shall educate our People to do this and ignore the obstinacy or stupidity of individuals. Bend or break - one or the other! We cannot permit this authority, the authority of the German People, to be challenged from any other quarter. 


This also applies to all the churches. As long as they concern themselves with their religious problems, the State will not concern itself with them. If they try by whatever means, by letters, encyclicals and the like, to claim rights which are those of the State alone, we shall force them to return to the realm of spiritual and pastoral activities where they belong. Nor is it appropriate for them to criticize the morality of the state, when they have more than enough reason to worry about their own morals. The leadership of the German nation will take care of the morals of the German nation and its People; we can assure all the concerned individuals inside and outside Germany of that. 


This first day of May is the glorious day when we celebrate the resurrection of the German People from its disunity and disintegration. This is the glorious day when a great new Community of the People was founded, which sweeps aside all barriers, unites the towns with the countryside, working people, farmers and intellectuals, and establishes as the supreme goal the protection of the Reich. 


What could be more appropriate than to profess our most sincere faith in our People on this very day. We cannot often enough renew our pledge; we want to be part of this People, to serve it and to strive to understand each other, to remove all barriers which separate us and thus to triumph over all the stupid skeptics, those who mock us and the petty-minded critics. Above all on this day we wish to express our renewed faith in our People, our confident belief that it is an outstanding, industrious, hard-working and decent People, and that this People shall have a future, because it is we who will ensure that future! 


Fuehrer Chance Adolf Hitler 


WTF? also word counter said this was 1035 words so it doesn't count

This is my essay on why you should do a giveaway. Firstly, I'd like to say that your generosity in this manner is definitely appreciated, and hopefully this endeavor will brighten up someone's day. Now for reasons as to why you should host a giveaway. Being honest, there is "selfless" and "selfish" reasons. I'll begin with Selfless. Giving away money to other players will for sure make the winning players feel like they've had at least one good thing happen to them, just envision the smile on that player's face as you tell him: "Congratulations! You won!". Aside from the act of giving charity, this will also definitely boost your reputation as a "nice guy" among players. But also consider how you will feel; You've earned this money and you're giving back to the people, like a new age Robin Hood (Without stealing from the rich, unless you've raided for procs or printers). Who knows, you may even earn a friend! Heck, the fact you even consider doing this giveaway should be a clear sign that you should do it.


Now I'll discuss why you might not want to do this giveaway (Although you better!). Like mentioned before, you've grinded for this money. Your time and effort has gone into getting those funds, and a large portion of your wealth will be gone, and there is no guarantee people will even care after you've done the giveaway. People may also call you out, saying you want it for your own gain, that you'll fake it, but at the end of the day, fuck em. You do you, and if that includes giving back to this community then I commend you.


Now let's discuss some other variables that might pop up. (1) Economy: Due to giving away large sums of cash it may result in an unintended effect on the economy, but I will not lie, this is not likely. (2) Cheapskates: Many players out there are simply in it for themselves and really don't need the cash, but will enter anyway. This is something you will need to deal with and accept, but we can all hope the winners are people who DO need the boost of cash to get them going. (3) Advertisment: This is basically an advertisement for you. You'll be letting everyone know you're a high roller, you're a generous high roller, and that you enjoy giving back to our players. (4) Jealousy: Some players may get salty that they did not win and flame you, if that's the case you'll need to respond appropriately, and either ignore the troll or have a funny witty comeback for best effect. (5) Flaming: You may also get flamed for holding a giveaway, people may say you're only in it for the rep or to make some "fake friends", or to extort people later on but like I mentioned above, pay no heed to these goblins. They seek only to ruin your day and others, and should probably be sent to the pit of heck to meet our fiery brethren Satan. (6) Fake friends: During this period of doing the giveaway, you may also find that suddenly people want to be your friend out of nowhere. This presents two possibilities: Someone actually does want to be your friend just for the friendship, or you may find those who hope to get a better chance of winning by being your friend. (IE Rigged). You must be vigilant for the snakes among us, and not fall into the temptation of giving that one friend a guaranteed win. Both for your reputation as a legitimate person and just whether or not people like you in general. (7) Ego Inflation: As a result of doing this you may inflate your ego slightly and think of yourself as higher then the other plebs but that is a terrible attitude to have in general. Always stay grounded in reality. Sure, you worked hard and DO deserve a pat on the back but don't let that get to your head. Be humble. Be kind. Be yourself. It's the words of wisdom more people should live by, but in this world they are few and far between.


Conclusion: Overall the giveaway has only one major flaw for you: You lose out on 10 million. The other possibilities I mentioned are pretty slim to occur so I wouldn't worry about it, but even then the benefits outway the negatives. You are a kind person for considering the giveaway in the first place, and I hope this essay will do its job and convince you to do so. You'll earn positive REP, possibly some new friends and overall a sense of accomplishment and pride for helping your respectable, young peers out in the game


Thank you for reading my essay. -END


I fixed herbs essay np


Doesn't count cause this is herbs essay, who already had his chance.

Education means considerably more than just teaching a student to read, write, and manipulate numbers. Computers, the Internet, and advanced electronic devices are becoming essential in everyday life and have changed the way information is gathered. How this new technology is utilized in the curriculum and managed by teachers will have an important role to play in widening the resource and knowledge base for all students. Technology affects the way teachers teach and students learn. To make the best use of information technology (IT), schools need a workable plan to fully integrate it into all aspects of the curriculum so students are taught how, why, and when to use technology to further enhance their learning. If a school does not have a clear plan of how and why it wishes to implement IT, then it runs the risk of wasting money. In schools today, nearly all classrooms have access to a computer. However, many schools mistake this as incorporating information technology into the curriculum. School staff need to research what IT is available and what would best serve the school's purpose, not simply purchase the latest equipment. There should be a policy stating how IT is going to assist pupils' development and what teachers want pupils to achieve (Reksten, 2000). Staff members need to be clear about what they want IT to do for them before they can start incorporating it into their lessons. The only way information technology is going to be useful to schools is if all staff members are well-informed and fully supported. It is the principal's responsibility, and should be part of the school's plan, to ensure that all staff are consulted about the changes, and that the change is carefully organised. Some teachers may be resistant, especially if they have not had much experience with computers, so training teachers is essential in implementing IT into the school curriculum. Staff members must feel involved in the process of acquiring technology, and in learning how to operate it, in order for them to increase their confidence in using IT as a curriculum tool. Teachers are only going to be able to incorporate IT into their lessons if they are competent users themselves (Reksten, 2000). In addition, teachers need to be aware that IT within the classroom is extremely flexible, but that they need to plan what purpose IT serves in each lesson. The skills a child learns are the Comment [de1]: Structure: Introductions The essay begins with a general lead into the broad topic by indicating the inadequacy of traditional teaching alone. It sets up a problem that the essay will solve. See essay introduction. Comment [de2]: Format: Spacing Essays are usually double-spaced or 1.5-line spaced. See formatting and layout. Comment [de3]: Structure: Introductions The topic is narrowed by affirming the significance of IT for teachers and students. Comment [de4]: Structure: Introductions The final sentence is the thesis statement. Notice how the beginning of the sentence is constructed to answer the essay question. It uses keywords from the question: “best use”, “information technology”, and “schools”. See essay thesis statement. Comment [de5]: Format: Abbreviations “Information technology” is followed by its abbreviated form in brackets: “(IT)”. Now that it has been defined, the abbreviation can be used elsewhere in the essay. Comment [de6]: Structure: Body paragraphs The first sentence of this paragraph is the topic sentence. It signals that the paragraph is about how schools need a clear plan for implementing IT. This point follows up on the first point made in the thesis statement: schools need a workable plan. See essay body paragraphs. Comment [de7]: Structure: Body paragraphs This statement moves into specifics; it details particular actions that a school can do to develop an IT plan. See essay body paragraphs. Comment [de8]: Referencing: In-text citation This in-text citation indicates that the idea presented in this sentence is taken from an outside source. The in-text citation gives the surname of the author (Reksten) and the year the source was published (2000). This citation uses APA style. See APA in-text citation. Comment [de9]: Structure: Body paragraphs The final sentence of the paragraph summarises and restates the idea introduced at the start of the paragraph. Comment [de10]: Referencing: Paraphrasing The idea in this sentence is taken from an outside source, as indicated by the in-text citation. The exact wording of the source has not been used, so this is a paraphrase. See paraphrasing and summarising. important part of any lesson, and it is the same with technology. IT needs to be used and understood in all subjects in the same way as the ability to read is necessary for all subjects, and “must be used across the curriculum, in the same way that a pen and pencil are used in most subject areas” (Ager, 2000, p. 15). The best way to plan the use of IT in the classroom is to approach it as simply a learning tool that is more advanced (and more exciting) than the traditional pen and paper. It is vitally important for students to be taught the strategies for using IT. Children also need to be fully informed about the capabilities of IT before being asked to use it. Pupils should be aware that the contexts in which they use IT will change, and they need to know what the appropriate use of IT is and what is not. Whilst it is important that children learn to use IT effectively, teachers must emphasise that IT is not always suitable. According to Apter (1968), the danger is that the “computer dehumanizes people and inevitably leads them to act like machines themselves” (p. 58). Teachers must make sure they plan to use variety in their lessons. Too much IT instruction may be just as harmful to a child as not enough. The usefulness of IT in the classroom, as with any learning tool, depends on the innovation and imagination of the teacher. It is imperative, though, that the implementation of IT into a school is carefully planned. The current information explosion makes it essential that IT be used extensively within the classroom so children know how to use IT appropriately and effectively. Teachers must, therefore, be fully informed about what kinds of IT are available and whether or not they are appropriate for classroom use. School boards and teachers must therefore ensure that all staff have a clear plan about what they want their students to achieve through IT. The appropriate incorporation of IT into the classroom will broaden the minds and skills of students, allowing them to be better prepared for further technological advances Enjoy this essay from google.

This is the 3rd essay I read today and I don't think you guys understand the task, I said to make an argument essay on why I should donate 10mil, not post some random essay in hopes that I giveaway. so far herb and noahmh are the only ones who have come close so I guess I'm gonna give the 1mil to one of them, or they can split 500k each idc. but so far I am not doing a 10mil giveaway, maybe 1mil so far.

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