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Bank manager

Rias The Hot/Drunk Devil

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Why is this question a bug report?


Also I think the only reason why the bank manager became op is because the save file started to go through job changes, Sugar said it was surprising that the bank manager started to get used by everyone but it's only because they didn't need to risk losing money to the manager swapping jobs. Having no risk except someone raiding the bank is way too op but if the bank were reverted to where the save file doesn't go throgh a job change it would be balanced again I think.


some math:

100000*1.15^8 = 305902 (This is after 2 hours)

100000*1,15^16 = 935762 (after 4 hours of being invested you have made 1 million assuming the manager doesn't get raided or hopped off the job)

100000*1,15^22 = 2164474 (not until after 6 and a half hours of 1 bank manager staying on the job and not getting raided have you reached the cap)

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