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New Processors? Agree on nerf, disagree on excecution


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Hey, it's your friendly neighbourhood Alfonso Rossi. I agree processors are a little op, but the current nerf needs some fixing. A: I believe you should still recieve 4 in a shipment, especially since time got nerfed as well. and B: I also think metal shouldnt even be needed, and chem barrels should refill it completely with 1. That way its still keeping the chem barrel aspect but its a lot easier. These are my thoughts, anyone agree/disagree/ have any comments?


EDIT: Just had a processor explode randomly when I put metal into it? Is this feature?

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Processors will not explode randomly. Processors can make you money back within their first few prints too off their base cost of 5k. Metal just upgrades the quality of the shipments (if you want a 100% chance to not get a CSGO knife). It's not 100% needed but if you have the resources then by all means.

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