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Apex Gang Recruitment


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~Apex Gang Recruitment~

Apex is currently the GAYEST GANG on the server. We need YOU to help us out!


Who the fuck is "Apex?"

Apex is a gang that raids, bases together, and we're social as fr*ck. We're like every other gang except we're the best because we've got the best people in it.


What the fuck is Apex's level?

Right now we're level 12. (I might forget to update this, mb.)


How the fuck do I get in?

If you want to get in, you got to use this application template right here. The gang's not too hard to get into because all most of you guys are cool, and we want all most of you in this shizzle.


You should also join this here discord, because we love you and want to hear your voices. You can also join it if you're not even in the gang, because we love everyone here at Apex.




What's your ingame name:



What's your discord tag:


How many hours do you have on the server:


How many hours do you have on GMod:


What can you bring to the gang:


How often do you raid and base:


Are you the best:



Who the fuck else is in Apex?


Our current roster is as follows:






Typical Quizzical Man











Gary the Snail




Freddy Freaker





501st JT SGT Brown

(if I forgot you PM me on the forums or in-game lol)



Can I just do whatever the fuck I want in Apex?

There are some rules to being in the worlds GAYEST GANG.

Be respectful to everyone else in the gang.

Be active at least like once a week.

Don't be a minge.

Don't raid or steal from other gang members.


Wow, thanks, kind and helpful individual! I think I might just apply!

That's the correct response, good man.


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What's your ingame name: Mr. Walker



What's your discord tag: XxMr.BananasxX


How many hours do you have on the server: 25


How many hours do you have on GMod: Over 650 hours


What can you bring to the gang: A lot just a lot of gay fucking and what not, in reality I'm a sharpshooter if I'm not lagging I can murder anyone.


How often do you raid and base: I raid often but I don't normally base I prefer to raid


Are you the best: Hmmmm well FUCK YEAH! 

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Sammah, you can take me off the admin list, I did my job getting the gang on it's feet, but grape doesn't think that. I left and went back to rare gang with my lads. Grape took administrator away from me in the discord too ;-; If you are ever off Overwatch, just take me off it lmao

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Sammah, you can take me off the admin list, I did my job getting the gang on it's feet, but grape doesn't think that. I left and went back to rare gang with my lads. Grape took administrator away from me in the discord too ;-; If you are ever off Overwatch, just take me off it lmao


Much appreciated, On Helping with the Gang , I am sure that you would be welcome back anytime. We just need to get everyone on And farming , because ive been workin my ass off for xp xD. But still <3 from Alfonzo , Luv u wrath , u gei homo reptilian.

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What's your ingame name: Somalian Criminal


What's your discord tag: Somalian Criminal #0608

How many hours do you have on the server: 228 hours

How many hours do you have on GMod: 370 hours

What can you bring to the gang: my good aim and activity (im in a different timezone so it would be 8 pm in your timezone)

How often do you raid and base: I only raid when theres bases and i only base when theres few people on

Are you the best: possibly

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