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Do you understand how fucking annoyed I am about these retarded ass threads? Holy shit, we have staff that won't do their job or are just slow at it. Cool, no one cares anymore. Stop fucking making threads on it. It just shows that you guys are just complaining about it without making a fucking change or trying to. It's so fucking stupid. Shut the fuck up about for fuck sake.


Literally every single fucking week there is a thread about it. Cool, it doesn't help. What are you even accomplishing from this? Nothing? Oh, then why are you doing it? And don't say, "I am trying to point out the bad things with staff", which we all already fucking know the bad shit with staff. It is so fucking stupid. There is no such thing as a perfect staff team. TitsRP staff isn't great. If you are just going to complain, then shut the fuck up. If you actually try and fucking fix the issues, maybe offer new mod apps, offer suggestions on staff bases, or even more with Sugar, then we could possibly get something done. But with this retarded ass thread, "Staff Issues", why fucking make that when we know already? Yeah, I understand the "Suggestions" part, but would this really cause that much of a movement? No, not really. It's practically going to be the same thing. Besides making a thread about it, guess what, you could've posted it in "Suggestions for the Server". 


Yeah, and it seems like I'm ticked off by this, because it's so fucking annoying to see this shit every fucking week.


"Oh my god, a staff member didn't take my sit even though I didn't follow the guidelines, I'm calling a sit on a very shitty reason, and I only called it one time. I'm so smart". Yes, I know staff don't take a lot of sits, I see that all the time when I'm on. But to complain about it is so fucking stupid. We had a system for the sit thing, but people resigned and complained because they kept getting buzzing noises when they didn't take sits. And the people who complained are the people who were lazy and did nothing. I only complained when I am in a middle of a sit and it goes off and I can't hear a single thing in the sit.


This thread in all honesty is useless and is masked by the fact that you have suggestions on the title so it doesn't seem like you're complaining, even though you lowkey are.


Please, fucking stop with these retarded ass threads. They won't do shit besides it being a fuck fest of insults and shitty arguments.

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Usually we had one of these threads every month or two telling us how shit the staff is but we are on 3+ now which is a record.


I know it's an issue and it's a double edge blade dealing with it. I am going to make this short and sweet and any other time a thread like this is made, I am just going to direct it to this thread.


Demote the staff that are shit!!!

We don't have a lot of staff members. We have 66 to be exact (as of right now), the number can be seen on https://www.titsrp.com/staff/ demoting staff members for not helping out as much as they should hinders the overall amount of staff and leaves active staff members on at certain times rather than "most" of the time. Would you rather have 1 staff member on per hour that gets burnt out within a few days or 6 - 7 on that WILL deal with most issues except for nit picky issues (which makes up probably 90% of issues. Any mass rdm, mass nlr, mass anything is dealt with)


Tell them to do more!

Some of our staff freak out when being told they are aren't doing enough. The average sit count per hour per staff member is 2.2  This means that a staff member will legit take 2 sits every hour (on average) which in my opinion is absolute dogshit. The only excuse you have for having a low sit / hour count is that you play from 1 AM - 9 AM when not too many people are on. Every staff member that has a sit per hour count lower than 5 in my opinion can do more. If a staff member complains that no one else is doing anything and they have less than a 5.0 sit count per hour ratio (which is everyone except for 3-4 people) then don't complain because you're part of the issue.


Get someone to train the new mods better!

Training is difficult to convey. In my opinion its either you have the skill to help someone or you don't. It's not rocket science. If you know the rules and you know how to use admin tools then you should be able to solve an issue. If you're a people person then you may be a great staff member. If you're not then don't apply for being staff. We have toyed around with the idea of a Head Moderator kinda ordeal where they would watch over people and make sure sits are being taken and that people are doing things correctly but staff have expressed their concerns they don't like being watched. I honestly feel that if you're scared of being watched, you're probably doing something wrong. The person that would be accepted for the job wouldn't just stare at you.


The Root Issue

The root issue is YOU. You the PLAYERS are the cause for everything. If everyone played the game correctly, there would be no staff. Unfortunately since you cannot force people to RP (for the most part), you will have people who do not obey the rules.


Every time you call for a sit, make sure you have read everything on what to call a sit for.


If you're salty you just died and just need to vent, you're the issue.

If you just saw a gun dealer self supply and its between life or death that this guy gets talked to, you're the issue.

If you can't take time to research your own issue and you decide to call a staff for things you can't figure out, you're the issue.

If you see someone mic spamming and you call staff, you're the issue. If you see people building a cool building and its annoying you so you call staff, you're the issue.

If someone is blatantly breaking the rules and there is no staff member on and you're not recording, you're the issue.


Take matters into your own hands and be a big boy and deal with it yourself. Most things can be dealt with if you have an open mind and remain calm and I am not kidding. Try it one day and see how much power you actually have. Talk to the people who RDMed you. If it's a well known player and you're about to call staff on him, he will most likely hear you out so you guys and work it out.


I know most of you have raging hormones right now but it's okay to just sit back and breath every once in a while and analyze an issue rationally. If it's mass rdm or mass something then it will MOST likely be dealt with when staff is notified. The staff team isn't perfect but it's impossible to reform the staff team. Our staff is comprised of people who apply. Gods don't apply unfortunately, it is out of our scope to fix in a short term. If you want issues fixed, don't call staff to fix it for you but rather attempt to do it yourself.


I'm a baby and I don't want 2 solve my own issues, what do I do??

Suggest ways to prevent people from breaking rules through code. Why do you usually call a staff member and how can I prevent you from calling them?


Some examples that were implemented off the top of my head:

  • Enforcing a 5 fading door limit
  • People can't hold weapons anymore after dying in a revolt due to mass NLR breaking
  • People can't sit on things when arrested
  • Added a !thirdperson command because it was one of the most commonly asked questions

We have tired a lot of things such as soft NLR zones where it would just hurt you if you broke NLR and a hard NLR system where it would alert staff and people thought it was too harsh on them.

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Sugar already got this post answered and what not but I'd like to comment. Staff don't take sits because yes we like to RP. A lot of the sits I find are ones that don't need staff. A player is like " hey I cant find sewers" or "someone kidnapped me and I'm trapped tp me out". Mass RDMers are always around but if no one reports them we don't know if they are truly Mass RDMing. They could be raiding, crossfire, and many other things. A lot of the time we don't take singular RDM sits either. We aren't supposed to. Communicate first. Say" hey man why did you kill me?". If there is no response then call a staff member. A lot of the time I see staff take easy sits. Like a mass RDMer. That's a quick ban and not a lot of work. That's also a priority too though. It's all a matter of perspective in my opinion. Take a step back and consider " What are all the reasons they couldn't be taking sits?". There are many reasons. Just sayin

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Also staff should not be puppydogging players looking for rulebreaks. If no one cares, don't moderate it (unless its super duper serious) because there is no need. I explained this to a tmod and gave them a reference and they said it was hecking stupid. I said "no, what is stupid is getting butthurt in place of people who are not"

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