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i guess a rant about mods and mingers (no names i guess)


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This is gonna be kinda long if you are gonna read it.


ok so this is gonna be about mingers and mods that don't do there jobs/ or just ignore part of the story.


ok so lately there have been tons and tons of mingers, there were a lot a while ago but a lot more now when I first joined the server i met a lot of new people some of them don't even play now, and when they do its very little and you know why? mingers... I hate seeing people join the server and leave in a few hours and never come back like i became friends with someone they kept getting treated like shit every time they would do something so one day they up and quit, yes i have friends on the server and yes i play with them, but i try to be as friendly as i can to new people and then people give them shit when they ask for help and stuff, it makes me mad. i'm on the verge of quitting the server, yes i know it sounds dumb but i cant even get on and have fun anymore with mingers always messing with me and people i am playing with, yes i know i'm repetitive right now but i really don't care, for example before i started typing this someone was being a minge to my party and I, and i couldn't do anything about it..



ok now about Mods who don't do there jobs right or ignore part of the story..


ok so lately i have saw mods that side with one person more than the other, well i started to figure out why they did this it is because they are friends with the one they are defending, of course they aren't going to go against there friend in a sit and piss them off, for example i was in a sit when the mod completely ignored my side of the story and only listened to his/her friends (this sit was not today) , i could name a few mods i know that have done this before, it also pisses me off when the mod knows the person broke the rule and has been warned for it before and they just verbally warn the person ( you know the whole friend thing) OK Another thing to rant about is when Mods ignore certain people when they are calling for help!. ok so today i was calling for help in admin chat. (there was 1 mod on) ok so i called for help 3+ times and was ignored after i got dont calling for help the Mod brought 2 other people and did a sit with them so i called for help and got ignored what kind of mod is that? i mean i thought mods where supposed to help everyone to make the server better The mods excuse was "I didn't come to you cuz i knew it wasn't rdm." My response to that was " I mean it dont matter if you think/ or even know it was rdm you should still go to the person calling for help and tell them why it wasn't rdm or even asked what happened."



Well i guess this ends my "Rant"


Remember if this doesn't make sense please don't blame me i am feeling really shitty right now and needed a place to vent my thoughts on these situations.

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Please report people to me or higher ups like Admins and Head Admins. You know what they say? If one person says you're an asshole, they're the asshole. If everyone is saying you're an asshole, you're probably the asshole. The more reports I get from different people against the same person is great. Because then I know there certainly is a problem.


When a player reports someone to me (over chat), it's definitely hard to make a decision unless I know the situation and I have proof. If more and more people say x person / mod is a minge, ass, unfriendly to people then it pretty much proves the point right there and I can personally make a move.


The way I see it...and I say this a lot..most of our mods are pretty damn bad. The reason being is that they are not exactly trained and some lack common sense. They are just community players, given the trust with certain powers to make the server more peaceful. Now, not all mods are the same. Some want to help, others kinda fuck around..which leads to a demotion. Because why try / pay for a job where you don't even do anything. Maybe I just have to come on and spec all of the mods and give them the proper training they should get. I don't want to sound like a glorified asshole here, but I definitely know what I am doing when it comes to sits / helping people. I can't always make the best decisions on moderator applications because we don't always have the luxury of having people with the actual intention of helping a community, instead of hurting it but I can definitely train some people. If they don't improve then they can get the heck out.

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Please report people to me or higher ups like Admins and Head Admins. You know what they say? If one person says you're an asshole, they're the asshole. If everyone is saying you're an asshole, you're probably the asshole. The more reports I get from different people against the same person is great. Because then I know there certainly is a problem.


When a player reports someone to me (over chat), it's definitely hard to make a decision unless I know the situation and I have proof. If more and more people say x person / mod is a minge, ass, unfriendly to people then it pretty much proves the point right there and I can personally make a move.


The way I see it...and I say this a lot..most of our mods are pretty damn bad. The reason being is that they are not exactly trained and some lack common sense. They are just community players, given the trust with certain powers to make the server more peaceful. Now, not all mods are the same. Some want to help, others kinda fuck around..which leads to a demotion. Because why try / pay for a job where you don't even do anything. Maybe I just have to come on and spec all of the mods and give them the proper training they should get. I don't want to sound like a glorified asshole here, but I definitely know what I am doing when it comes to sits / helping people. I can't always make the best decisions on moderator applications because we don't always have the luxury of having people with the actual intention of helping a community, instead of hurting it but I can definitely train some people. If they don't improve then they can get the heck out.


ok first thank you for taking your time and reading this :), second I will be sure to start reporting people to higher up admins and you, and yeah I agree some of them do fuck around, I mean but no always you either applied for this or payed for this for a reason to help the community of the server and make the time on it for players a lot more friendly and fun!

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Am I a good boy dad?

P.S. Senpaikush is a MASS minger no joke.


Well that's the second time I heard his name come up as a huge minge within the past 24 hours. I will talk to him


Also if I never have to talk to you about incidents you caused then you're a good boy on my list.

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Am I a good boy dad?

P.S. Senpaikush is a MASS minger no joke.


Well that's the second time I heard his name come up as a huge minge within the past 24 hours. I will talk to him


Also if I never have to talk to you about incidents you caused then you're a good boy on my list.


Thanks dad! ;D

Am I a good boy dad?

P.S. Senpaikush is a MASS minger no joke.


yes son you are good boy


Thanks other dad!

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Am I a good boy dad?

P.S. Senpaikush is a MASS minger no joke.


Well that's the second time I heard his name come up as a huge minge within the past 24 hours. I will talk to him


Also if I never have to talk to you about incidents you caused then you're a good boy on my list.


well i didnt really wanna bring any names into this but yeah senpai kush is the reason i basically posted this about mingers, every day he gets on a minges...

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Yeah, I agree with you. The other day a mod (I'm not gonna mention names here, Sugar, I'm gonna message you with more details later) was basing with this guy who was breaking several rules. What did the mod do? Nothing. In the end, after about 30 mins and a few screenshots, I managed to get him to warn the guy for metagaming. It kinda ruined my RP for a while.

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