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Moldy Peanut Butter

Mr. Peanut Butter

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So you may have noticed I haven't been on the server in a few days. This is mainly because I don't feel well. It's not that I'm busy or don't have time to get on the server. It's just that every time I have a good opportunity to get on the server I just can't. I just don't feel any desire to do so. I'm in a lot of pain physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually and I have been unable to focus on much of anything. All I really have been driven to do lately is eat and sleep. I'm sorry if my absense has affected anyone.

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Man, sorry to hear. Not sure what's wrong with me too. I don't know, I just feel something bad is about to happen, stressed, too lazy to do anything effectively. I get depressed fast, sad fast, stressed and angry fast. I'm also experiencing the bad feeling from like..the spiritual side/Life overall. I feel you man, I sincerely wish it would all just end and you could just relax..I wish it happens to me too :(.

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