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Clearing up a few things


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This is a public message, it isn't going on our Mod/Admin only section because it relates to trial-moderators too. Don't like it? Well, fuck you. Nobody asked you.

Trial Moderators are actually staff. If you think otherwise, you're retarded.

Right now, they're just candidates for being moderator, but that doesn't mean that they aren't staff.

If you're retarded and can't see it: Trial Moderators are temps that can make it to the

full-time position (Moderator).


Treat all staff with respect, even among yourselves.


On another note:


Our former moderators are still players and have the right to still be respected and not harassed. They're like any other player now. Bringing up stuff like "Hey how's the demotion going?" and other forms of harassment to annoy them will get yourself banned and revoked of your staff position depending on how much of a shithead you were acting towards them and if you actually abused your staff rights while doing so (ie. warning them while provoking the fight in the first place).


Have a good day, you won't like me when I'm furious.


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That kind of stuff is NOT okay. It's just mean to say that kind of things to a TMod. What if they have good potential and some guy walks up and says "HUR DUR UR JUST A TRIAL MOD UR NOT STAFF UR NOT GONNA GET TO BE A MOD HUUUUUUUUR"!? That would put me down and make me question my abilities. So, you have an AMAZING point Crt.

If you wouldn't like someone to call YOU a bad TMod, then DON'T do it to others. I have been called a bad Moderator. And it fucking hurts like salt covered shards of glass slicing open a wound. Imagine what a guy who has only been at it for a day, has high hopes about it and works his ass of, and has potential reacts to this. He might quit or just start falling behind. The reason some mods get demoted might be because they were called a bad mod early on and lost that helpful spark.


I'm gonna say it again, if it would hurt you, don't say it.

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If you think otherwise, you're retarded.

ok why are you calling me retarded?

check your pirvileged


But you are retarded. Quote me on that.

ok why are you calling me retarded?

check your pirvileged


Ikr, Crt's a bully, Sugar demote please, I feel harrassed -Zee Koala


I am actually a bully. They call me the Raccoon Puncher. Also what kind of name is Blacnova? Did you forget the 'k' intentionally or did you think that by removing a k from black won't make you black and therefore won't get you lynched by the KKK?

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