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What is this thing.


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This is where your tax dollars are going people! Every time the mayor taxes you he puts that money into funding for animal experimentation! This is just one of many creatures that have been genetically engineered by the titsrp government! A super dog with semi human sentience. STOP GOVERNMENT TESTING ON ANIMALS TODAY BEFORE ITS TOO LATE.

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Look around you. Pets that look like pokemon, who can say Allen and carry weapons, bipedal walking frogs that wear shirts and throw bibles, HALF HUMAN HALF CAT creatures, SENTIENT PICKLES WITH THE FACE OF NICK CAGE. These monstrosities walk among you and it is the government's doing. OPEN YOUR EYES IT'S TIME TO FIGHT BACK.


(This should be made into a full fucking rp storyline. It'd give a purpose to the rebel job, stop the government from creating the "super animals"

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