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Do you feel most of the staff on here are good  

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  1. 1. Do you feel most of the staff on here are good

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Let me put things in perspective


Lets say...there are 80 players on the server. 


There are 4 staff online and one player calls a sit. You answer it. Another sit immediately comes up as you are beginning to help the player currently. 


Then another, and another. Staff can only do so much. With a server called "Titsrp" you should expect a fuck ton of minges. 


So the sits just keep rolling in, some disappearing and others taking their place. You click, sit after sit, sometimes with no break trying to help the kiddos out. Sometimes you get a break and no ones calling, but this don't happen often. 



Being staff on Titsrp isn't for anyone. If you think their job is inefficient, apply. I love good critism, but it needs to be GOOD. 



Now, im sure your opinion of me is "Hur dur shitty staff member" because i banned you. And that's completely fine. But i promise you i can find more people that think much different than you do. 


And im not making this an argument thread, so dont bring up random things from your Ban Appeal. It doesn't really support you. 


how is that a good excuse, "the servers full all the time" um 2 things one, if you read i said that they are staff members who sit around and do nothing and expect the only 2 trial mods to do everything, and that might be why trial mods on here are really bad, because there getting stressed out with all these reports. I have seen 3 mods on one time and one trial mod, and i asked him in a sit why it took so long, and he told me. "I'm the only one answering reports." Now how is that fair for him or the server it self. Plus I've been on servers were theres 100 people on the server and they still have staff who respond to sits at a resonable time or they don't ignore them.

Let me put things in perspective. 


Lets say...there are 80 players on the server. 


There are 4 staff online and one player calls a sit. You answer it. Another sit immediately comes up as you are beginning to help the player currently. 


Then another, and another. Staff can only do so much. With a server called "Titsrp" you should expect a fuck ton of minges. 


So the sits just keep rolling in, some disappearing and others taking their place. You click, sit after sit, sometimes with no break trying to help the kiddos out. Sometimes you get a break and no ones calling, but this don't happen often. 



Being staff on Titsrp isn't for anyone. If you think their job is inefficient, apply. I love good critism, but it needs to be GOOD. 



Now, im sure your opinion of me is "Hur dur shitty staff member" because i banned you. And that's completely fine. But i promise you i can find more people that think much different than you do. 


And im not making this an argument thread, so dont bring up random things from your Ban Appeal. It doesn't really support you. 



Now, let me also add that every single staff member VOLUNTEERED for their positions, we're not getting paid to do this, and sometimes we just want to play the damn game. I love being a staff, but I didn't spend  $10 on gmod for the sole reason of being a staff member. No one here bought the game just to be staff. It may be a hard pill to swallow for you but guess what STAFF ARE PEOPLE TOO. We're not automatons who were built to take sits and deal with immature little kids who'd rather mass RDM than actually play the game. We're staff on this server because we like the server and want to help it out, but at times the shit just keeps piling and piling to a point that we just want ten minutes to clear our heads. If you want to think the staff is terrible on this server so be it, that's fine, but the hard truth is we don't max a server out and have hundreds of regulars come by on a daily basis on server addons alone. The staff preceding over the server help the regulars to come back day after day because they know how we operate, and how we get shit done. 


Now all of that being said, you can whine about the staff all day long, but unless you give actual constructive feedback, and make suggestions, then you're just one man screaming into the wind. You cannot make change with the attitude you've presented yourself with, and that's just cold hard truth.

THAT'S YOUR JOB! You knew what would be expected of you when you become staff. You know what you should, communicate with other staff members, like if there are 5 of you on, have 3 of you handle sits and then switch off every so often. That's what we used to do when i was darkrp staff on another server, It made things easier, but you should know when signing up for staff that, your darkrp experince would be limited because your basically the law, saying, i don't want to staff all the time is stupid. There is no such thing as off duty staff. It's either your staffing or your not. You signed up for this, it's your one job.

Good, you now gave me the excuse to seriously reform sits, and start punishing players for making false sit calls.


A lot of the time when a sit isn't taken or when sit response times are long is when all staff are occupied with a different sit. But when this isn't the case, you need to understand that staff are not there simply to take sits and help players with their every need, staff are players too. Staff originally joined the server to have fun, then opted for added responsibility to help the community. This doesn't mean that they lost their ability to enjoy the server, but they also now take part in the latter.


A huge issue in sits is that people are not following the sit guidelines: calling staff for a single rdm, asking for workshop links when they could simply ask other players in ooc, not contacting the player who killed them before making a sit, etc. I cannot think of a single staff member that ignores sits like this, and it is a HUGE waste of time. But now that you are complaining, I have an excuse to start enforcing sit guidelines and informing other staff that they can now punish players for breaking these guidelines. We've talked about it many times before during meetings, but we never followed through as we didn't want to punish players for asking for help, but now you are saying, "if i went around asking the most regular players on the server what they feel is the worse part of this server. I bet you they would say most of the staff is garbage, or the response time takes fucking forever." This apparently shows that many players feel this, so we should take action.


I get you m8, I consider you one of the good staff members so i feel ya, But I do feel communication is so important between staff, I don't know if you guys communicate through admin chat or something, but if you don't maybe you guys should. I feel this will help communicate what the plans are for sits and issues for this. Plus maybe you could tell people like if you don't take there sit, tell them why you won't take there sit. That way they know either A. Oh i guess it's not breaking a rule or B. I need to make my report more clear. So maybe put like a deny sit message. I feel people would like to know what's going on instead of being in the dark.

I am sorry you feel the staff are bad but I mean this thread is not helping jack diddly squat, if you believe the staff are bad find out who is there for the rank and who is a legit good staff and go to the fucking report section, This bull shit helps no one, reporting the inactive/abusers will cause change.


lol like i said 70 percent of staff on here are bad, and i don't think i can make a giant list of shit staff lol, but Like i said in my orignal post. I'm not trying to start shit but just put my feedback in. I just want the staff to do better. That's it! I'm trying not to throw any bad staff under the bus. If you notice I haven't used any staff members names. It's called being frustrated at a server i really like and I want it to be better but the staff are limiting the experince of the server.

Read all of this, and will begin to follow the guidelines for sits as well. From now on single rdms, bullshit sit requests ie "omg rdmmmmmmmmmmmmm", and reports for rdm that are not completed will be ignored. 


Not going to be maliciously compliant, but will now follow the sit guidelines completely.


i totatly agree with that, I feel you need to give the staff as much info as possible, not slamming on your keyboard. Ex: "hey I was just walking on the street, and this dude said " fuck you to me"  and he just killed me. His role i think was a medic. Please help"  good example now here is  a bad example


"this asshole fucking killed me, get over here i think he might mass rdm. HEeeeeelpppp" bad example though it maybe one rdm, it does not mean hes going to mass rdm like crazy,

Heck sometimes i don't even report 1 rdm because it's usually not a big deal unless if it was like during a rp moment i was doing or he came back and rdm a gain. Or if this person was being a dick ealier.

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THAT'S YOUR JOB! You knew what would be expected of you when you become staff. You know what you should, communicate with other staff members, like if there are 5 of you on, have 3 of you handle sits and then switch off every so often. That's what we used to do when i was darkrp staff on another server, It made things easier, but you should know when signing up for staff that, your darkrp experince would be limited because your basically the law, saying, i don't want to staff all the time is stupid. There is no such thing as off duty staff. It's either your staffing or your not. You signed up for this, it's your one job

Okay this will be my final word on this thread and if you still don't get it after I'm done speaking my peace then so be it.

Yes, every active staff member signed up to be staff, we volunteer our time to help the server, but this is not a job. Staffing this server doesn't put food on anyone's table, or gas in their car. This is a GAME, one that might I add we all paid for. If you can't understand that were human and want to play the game then that's on you, but I will not sit here and listen to the boohooing about how "seventy percent of the staff are bad" when you haven't included any worth while suggestions. You've criticized without any way for us to truly improve. I'll reiterate what another staff has said, if you feel you can do better then put up or shut up. Put yourself in our shoes and I guarantee your tune changes instantly.

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THAT'S YOUR JOB! You knew what would be expected of you when you become staff. You know what you should, communicate with other staff members, like if there are 5 of you on, have 3 of you handle sits and then switch off every so often. That's what we used to do when i was darkrp staff on another server, It made things easier, but you should know when signing up for staff that, your darkrp experince would be limited because your basically the law, saying, i don't want to staff all the time is stupid. There is no such thing as off duty staff. It's either your staffing or your not. You signed up for this, it's your one job

Okay this will be my final word on this thread and if you still don't get it after I'm done speaking my peace then so be it.

Yes, every active staff member signed up to be staff, we volunteer our time to help the server, but this is not a job. Staffing this server doesn't put food on anyone's table, or gas in their car. This is a GAME, one that might I add we all paid for. If you can't understand that were human and want to play the game then that's on you, but I will not sit here and listen to the boohooing about how "seventy percent of the staff are bad" when you haven't included any worth while suggestions. You've criticized without any way for us to truly improve. I'll reiterate what another staff has said, if you feel you can do better then put up or shut up. Put yourself in our shoes and I guarantee your tune changes instantly.


first off, have u not read my other comments, i have put in suggestions, like communication between staff should be improve, report guidlines, why someone denys a sit and put a reason, and i talked about you guys planning out how many staff members we need on duty. But like any server ever they will all tell you yes, its not a job but you voulenteer to do this and so you should be the most commiteded. It's like voulenteering at a fundraiser that's a bake sale. Sure you could go run around and eat the free samples but you still need to ge the job done, you signed up for it. You guys are the only ones with the power to make a difference. Every gmod server ive been on i've never seen off duty staff being ok thing. Sure it might make since if the server is not populated. But you guys have a server that's full almost everyday. You guys need as much help as possible. Plus I know i would do a way better job, but with post like these probs won't become staff anytime soon. I'm just speaking what I see. The fact your taking offense is your fault. I'll say the same thing you said to me " put up or shut up" prove to me that this staff team is great. Because you guys knew what you signed up for. IF you have a problem communicate with your staff team or just stop being staff.

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THAT'S YOUR JOB! You knew what would be expected of you when you become staff. You know what you should, communicate with other staff members, like if there are 5 of you on, have 3 of you handle sits and then switch off every so often. That's what we used to do when i was darkrp staff on another server, It made things easier, but you should know when signing up for staff that, your darkrp experince would be limited because your basically the law, saying, i don't want to staff all the time is stupid. There is no such thing as off duty staff. It's either your staffing or your not. You signed up for this, it's your one job

Okay this will be my final word on this thread and if you still don't get it after I'm done speaking my peace then so be it.

Yes, every active staff member signed up to be staff, we volunteer our time to help the server, but this is not a job. Staffing this server doesn't put food on anyone's table, or gas in their car. This is a GAME, one that might I add we all paid for. If you can't understand that were human and want to play the game then that's on you, but I will not sit here and listen to the boohooing about how "seventy percent of the staff are bad" when you haven't included any worth while suggestions. You've criticized without any way for us to truly improve. I'll reiterate what another staff has said, if you feel you can do better then put up or shut up. Put yourself in our shoes and I guarantee your tune changes instantly.


Lets be honest, sure its not a JOB but we did sign up for it, and those who sign up to be staff should know what they're getting themselves into. Its okay to RP but constantly letting sits pass by like nothing is not doing staffing right, and you are just becoming a waste at that point. There gets to be so much staff on that are not taking sits that when people notice, they think the entire staff team is terrible. I believe what he saying to an extent is true, and 3/4 of the staff team could definitely improve, heck I think I could certainly improve. Every time I get on theres players complaining that their sits are not being taken while IM taking them and I look at the rest of the staff team as they're doing nothing but watching the sits pass by, and I know it certainly angers players when they cannot RP because of other players and with no staff responding, they cannot do nothing. This leads to taking matters into their own hands and when the staff who ARE taking sits gets to them, they have to ban both because they both end up breaking rules. I think we need a SERIOUS filter to go through the staff team because theres plenty who don't take sits and seems to be very few who do take sits.

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THAT'S YOUR JOB! You knew what would be expected of you when you become staff. You know what you should, communicate with other staff members, like if there are 5 of you on, have 3 of you handle sits and then switch off every so often. That's what we used to do when i was darkrp staff on another server, It made things easier, but you should know when signing up for staff that, your darkrp experince would be limited because your basically the law, saying, i don't want to staff all the time is stupid. There is no such thing as off duty staff. It's either your staffing or your not. You signed up for this, it's your one job

Okay this will be my final word on this thread and if you still don't get it after I'm done speaking my peace then so be it.

Yes, every active staff member signed up to be staff, we volunteer our time to help the server, but this is not a job. Staffing this server doesn't put food on anyone's table, or gas in their car. This is a GAME, one that might I add we all paid for. If you can't understand that were human and want to play the game then that's on you, but I will not sit here and listen to the boohooing about how "seventy percent of the staff are bad" when you haven't included any worth while suggestions. You've criticized without any way for us to truly improve. I'll reiterate what another staff has said, if you feel you can do better then put up or shut up. Put yourself in our shoes and I guarantee your tune changes instantly.


Lets be honest, sure its not a JOB but we did sign up for it, and those who sign up to be staff should know what they're getting themselves into. Its okay to RP but constantly letting sits pass by like nothing is not doing staffing right, and you are just becoming a waste at that point. There gets to be so much staff on that are not taking sits that when people notice, they think the entire staff team is terrible. I believe what he saying to an extent is true, and 3/4 of the staff team could definitely improve, heck I think I could certainly improve. Every time I get on theres players complaining that their sits are not being taken while IM taking them and I look at the rest of the staff team as they're doing nothing but watching the sits pass by, and I know it certainly angers players when they cannot RP because of other players and with no staff responding, they cannot do nothing. This leads to taking matters into their own hands and when the staff who ARE taking sits gets to them, they have to ban both because they both end up breaking rules. I think we need a SERIOUS filter to go through the staff team because theres plenty who don't take sits and seems to be very few who do take sits.


thank you! I'm not trying to be a dick, i'm just trying to speak the truth.

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I take sits when I can. If I'm not taking sits, I'm shadowing TMods sits to help them out if they need it. When the server is just complete chaos, I'll do as much as I can to help it go stable again. For example, yesterday I get on and Dindu is the only staff member on. I'll say 6 sit requests pop up every 30 seconds to Mass RDMers and a whole bunch of other stuff. Dindu and I were taking sits constantly for 30 min when I was on. Dindu was taking sits longer since he was the only one on. Then Zareox came and it helped out a lot more. My point is, we do take sits but with so little on, we cant do all that much. And I hate it when people are always like "Admins can you take my sit?" in OOC. I'm usually doing something or in another sit at that time. Or even people who single a certain staff member out to take their sit can also make us a bit heated because we arent the only staff on. I could be busy with another sit but then people complain saying that we're shit staff because we dont take 1 sit of yours.

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There are also times when people rage over their sit not being taken when its something like "RDM adhfasdhfgashjkfasdjklfhadsjklhjkl" and then there are requests with actual details. Or times I'm gonna ignore a single RDM for something more important.

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Nothing you say will do anything to change our minds, the staff that you are hoping to hit hard with this post empathize with each other on the fact that we are not robots, cannot 24/7 take sits.

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There are also times when people rage over their sit not being taken when its something like "RDM adhfasdhfgashjkfasdjklfhadsjklhjkl" and then there are requests with actual details. Or times I'm gonna ignore a single RDM for something more important.


that's why i feel there should be a deny sit or post pone sit message to the player that gets rdm, because making an rdm not that big of deal, is basically saying, "your not important to us, we have bigger problems" as a consumer that's something that pisses people off. So i can understand the people who go full rage mode and go rdm and spam shit but for people who right in detail what happened and they still don't get a repsonse because there case is not important is irritating. And i understand we can't have sits 24/7 but I feel the staff team should be a little bit more effort into taking action, instead of doing nothing.

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DO NOT call an admin for a single RDM, go talk to guy who killed you or ask in OOC why he killed you

DO NOT call an admin without a specified reason. Ex: "ADMIN 2 ME PLZ" is not allowed "Hey admin, player x is mass RDMing right now, can you help out?"

DO NOT call an admin for general questions, ask people in OOC or the forums

DO NOT call an admin constantly. Spamming admin chat will have you kicked / banned

DO NOT call an admin for moderator applications. Just apply on the forums

DO NOT call an admin for a refund on weapons or money, we can not spawn weapons or money


When we say we're going to follow the sit guidelines to the T, these are what we're talking about. It's right in the MOTD, which quite honestly none of the staff has followed before... until this thread.


So I apologize, but no... your single RDM case will not be taken until you make an effort to ask the person that killed you.

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