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Mayor Changing Fine Amounts

Golden Pup

Should this be allowed?  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. Should this be allowed?

    • Yeah it's fine
    • Shouldn't be allowed

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Recently a lot of mayors have been making laws like "Master Sword out can lead to a $10k fine" or "Jaywalking can lead to a $5k fine." Should this be not allowed? There are set fine amounts in the MOTD and you could make random stuff $20k fines with laws if this is a continued thing.

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I see making these AOS(such as Master Sword) allowed, but fining for 10k is Bullshit.




Jaywalking for 5k seems reasonable tbh.



Choosing to fine for whatever price you want isn't necessarily allowed. There are a few set fines on certain things, and i do believe it is fair for them to shape their fine prices whatever way theychoose, as long as it is reasonable(IE. Guns out without license 3k-5k fine, but not 10k, masterswords out AOSable, or 5k fine, etc)

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I see what you mean, but at the same time most people with a mastersword can probably afford 10k or just decline and do 2min in jail, which is the same as aos


Just because we can afford it don't make it right.

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I'd say make changes to the fining rules. 



MOTD tells you the fine range from kidnapping to terrorism. 


If the Mayor are allowed to make changes to the fine by his/her/it laws then no staff should enforce overfine.

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The 2500-5000 range is for murder or kidnapping. Fining for 5k is saying that owning a pistol is the same as taking a life.

Fining 10k is saying it's the same as killing many people or slaughtering everyone in the PD.

Enforce common sense RP.

Common sense rule got removed.

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i think the J walking thing is fine, its fair. a little annoying, but fair.


and cops have to warn before arrest if people have guns out in public.


Cops are not allowed to just insta arrest someone because they see them master swording on the other side of the map.

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