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Please get better mods!


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Going to be honest, understand where you're coming from but you also have to understand where mods are coming from.


Yes, we're moderators to help the server, but also want to play the game occasionally. I was on for about 4 hours today, and was able to actually do rp shit for about 30 minutes of that. I don't get anything special for doing moderator stuff, and seeing reports like this is bullshit because I was on during the time, but were constantly doing other sits. The entire time I was on the server had more than 70 people online. So if you make 6 sits in 30 minutes, like Dimitri said, how many other sits per half hour do you think are going through?


While I was online there were about 5 moderators on 2-3 were pretty consistantly taking sits the other two weren't. But that is something not for this thread




and as for "getting better mods" [video=youtube]

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"I usually see vip get 1st priority always"

If you're going to make shitty troll posts, try not to let it be this obvious.


I think that he is honestly frustrated and the lack of grammar/sentence structure is probably a result of his age. In addition due to his assumed young age, it may be that he doesnt quite see thing from every angle.

I dont think he is trolling, I think he is just frustrated and not sure what else/where else to complain

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"I usually see vip get 1st priority always"

If you're going to make shitty troll posts, try not to let it be this obvious.


I think that he is honestly frustrated and the lack of grammar/sentence structure is probably a result of his age. In addition due to his assumed young age, it may be that he doesnt quite see thing from every angle.

I dont think he is trolling, I think he is just frustrated and not sure what else/where else to complain


I think you're correct. I apologize for speaking before thinking. Let me craft a better response.


I'm going to be 100% honest with you all. Everybody listen carefully, because I'm about to reveal one of the hardest and most secretive truths about TitsRP and its staffing system.

None of us, and I do mean none of us*, give a shit if someone is VIP or not. The rules apply the exact same to everybody, and having VIP will not get someone a lower form of punishment.

It doesn't personally help us mods, the people who are mostly taking care of most of the sits, if you have VIP. Most people did not pay for their VIP, they bought it with in-game money[1]. You may be confusing it with mods being shitty and helping their friends first, and their friends have VIP because they play a lot. It pisses me off when people say that, so I tend to overreact so I apologize for what I said, but the truth is that we do not care. Thanks to the VIPs for supporting the server, but they have to follow the damn rules too.


*I can't speak for any shitty tmods I don't know, but this is true in general for all moderators and administrators

[1]Citation needed


As far as sits going ignored, whenever I get on all the staff that are not AFK are usually taking care of sits as they come. The sit system was explained earlier so I won't go over it again, instead I'll just give an example: If we get 5 sits at once with 5 staff, that's great! We can take them all! Then during those sits, three more sits are called. Uh, okay, two guys just finished up so two of those can get taken. The third gets lost. Two sits are called with three staff free, they are taken. Four more sits are called in the span of 30 seconds and since one of the staff have to go take a shit, only 1/4 get taken. The rest are lost. One staff member is held up in a half-hour shit fest so we're down one while the sits just keep coming and coming.

This is actually how it will work when we have a server full of people being idiots on a Friday night. We're trying our best, but at the end of the day, it comes down to a few key points.

  • Sometimes the load is just too much for the number of staff online, as in the example given above.
  • We're volunteers and we DO get burned out. If I just got online and took sits for 45 minutes straight, I will not take anymore because I'm burned out and the quality of those sits will be shit and won't do anything to help the server. Mistakes will be made and I DO NOT WANT TO BAN THE WRONG PERSON. 
  • Staff being offline instead of AFK offers NO advantages. Whenever I ask why staff shouldn't go AFK, the argument is always "well they're staff."

Overall, while I understand your frustration, you gotta find some other means of taking care of it than calling us shit. Apply to be a tmod if you care that much, we need people who are passionate about this kind of thing! Take screenshots of any rule breaking you see, if nobody comes to your sit post it on the forums! If you can give us constructive feedback with real, attainable suggestions on how to resolve any of our staffing issues, I would have no problem implementing any changes in my personal staffing policies or attitude and encouraging the rest of the staff to follow suit.

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Why would a staff prioritize a VIP? There is no incentive to. They don't get anything out of it. They might prioritize their friends (which you shouldn't do) but never will a staff member prioritize ranks over doing sits.


This thread is like yelling into an empty cavern. You can't get better staff if better staff don't apply. Our staff team are people who applied for mod. If there was a way to get better mods to apply then please, share your knowledge.


Instead of asking for better staff, you should suggest ways to prevent people from breaking rules. RDM is something you cannot prevent but for other common issues like FDA, NLR, ect, there are ways to essentially solve those issues through code to prevent people from calling about it anymore. A lot of sits can be prevented through forcing people to play a certain way.

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"I usually see vip get 1st priority always"

If you're going to make shitty troll posts, try not to let it be this obvious.


I think that he is honestly frustrated and the lack of grammar/sentence structure is probably a result of his age. In addition due to his assumed young age, it may be that he doesnt quite see thing from every angle.

I dont think he is trolling, I think he is just frustrated and not sure what else/where else to complain

lack of grammar and structure is out of not caring lol not age, I'm very capable of putting together sentences just on forums it means 0 to the situation lol

Why would a staff prioritize a VIP? There is no incentive to. They don't get anything out of it. They might prioritize their friends (which you shouldn't do) but never will a staff member prioritize ranks over doing sits.


This thread is like yelling into an empty cavern. You can't get better staff if better staff don't apply. Our staff team are people who applied for mod. If there was a way to get better mods to apply then please, share your knowledge.


Instead of asking for better staff, you should suggest ways to prevent people from breaking rules. RDM is something you cannot prevent but for other common issues like FDA, NLR, ect, there are ways to essentially solve those issues through code to prevent people from calling about it anymore. A lot of sits can be prevented through forcing people to play a certain way.


that's usually what donators get, priority, in every other game ive seen it that way, heck when u donate u get perks that regs don't get, so there is some priority in who gets what

I think you're correct. I apologize for speaking before thinking. Let me craft a better response.


I'm going to be 100% honest with you all. Everybody listen carefully, because I'm about to reveal one of the hardest and most secretive truths about TitsRP and its staffing system.

None of us, and I do mean none of us*, give a shit if someone is VIP or not. The rules apply the exact same to everybody, and having VIP will not get someone a lower form of punishment.

It doesn't personally help us mods, the people who are mostly taking care of most of the sits, if you have VIP. Most people did not pay for their VIP, they bought it with in-game money[1]. You may be confusing it with mods being shitty and helping their friends first, and their friends have VIP because they play a lot. It pisses me off when people say that, so I tend to overreact so I apologize for what I said, but the truth is that we do not care. Thanks to the VIPs for supporting the server, but they have to follow the damn rules too.


*I can't speak for any shitty tmods I don't know, but this is true in general for all moderators and administrators

[1]Citation needed


As far as sits going ignored, whenever I get on all the staff that are not AFK are usually taking care of sits as they come. The sit system was explained earlier so I won't go over it again, instead I'll just give an example: If we get 5 sits at once with 5 staff, that's great! We can take them all! Then during those sits, three more sits are called. Uh, okay, two guys just finished up so two of those can get taken. The third gets lost. Two sits are called with three staff free, they are taken. Four more sits are called in the span of 30 seconds and since one of the staff have to go take a shit, only 1/4 get taken. The rest are lost. One staff member is held up in a half-hour shit fest so we're down one while the sits just keep coming and coming.

This is actually how it will work when we have a server full of people being idiots on a Friday night. We're trying our best, but at the end of the day, it comes down to a few key points.

  • Sometimes the load is just too much for the number of staff online, as in the example given above.
  • We're volunteers and we DO get burned out. If I just got online and took sits for 45 minutes straight, I will not take anymore because I'm burned out and the quality of those sits will be shit and won't do anything to help the server. Mistakes will be made and I DO NOT WANT TO BAN THE WRONG PERSON. 
  • Staff being offline instead of AFK offers NO advantages. Whenever I ask why staff shouldn't go AFK, the argument is always "well they're staff."

Overall, while I understand your frustration, you gotta find some other means of taking care of it than calling us shit. Apply to be a tmod if you care that much, we need people who are passionate about this kind of thing! Take screenshots of any rule breaking you see, if nobody comes to your sit post it on the forums! If you can give us constructive feedback with real, attainable suggestions on how to resolve any of our staffing issues, I would have no problem implementing any changes in my personal staffing policies or attitude and encouraging the rest of the staff to follow suit.



what I'm curious is about is why volunteer if you're gonna be afk over half the time? I know the one I killed was just sitting their because they weren't doing sits, weren't replying and the absolute 2nd I killed her she jailed me, why just sit there if ur not actually afk? lol. Then when shes caught just sitting she bans me immediately instead of asking why I did what I did or what is going on, a big running server should have set mods that only mod and aren't RPing while they are "on duty" or mods that aren't "on duty" that are afk for the majority, seems like some like the title mod but don't wanna patrole

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We take sits that are also detailed on what happened. For example, if there was a sit on RDM "I was RDMed by X (Job name). I was chopping a tree to get materials and then he came up to me and I asked him to go away and he shot me and said that i threatened him". We DONT take sits that are like "My radio got stolen fjsdlkfjlkdsajflksajlkfjsdlkajfklsdjlkfjsdlkjflsd", those are a waste of time and we dont deal with them. If your report was like that, then theres is your answer.

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If you feel as though staff doesn't do anything then apply for yourself and make the change. -shrug-


Maybe with you being on the staff team, I'm sure the sit count will decrease lul. 


They applied because they want to help make a change and it's volunteer work not a paid job.  :WutFace:

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We take sits that are also detailed on what happened. For example, if there was a sit on RDM "I was RDMed by X (Job name). I was chopping a tree to get materials and then he came up to me and I asked him to go away and he shot me and said that i threatened him". We DONT take sits that are like "My radio got stolen fjsdlkfjlkdsajflksajlkfjsdlkajfklsdjlkfjsdlkjflsd", those are a waste of time and we dont deal with them. If your report was like that, then theres is your answer.


you're the one that banned me


but no I don't make silly reports, no there not highly detailed but I made reports and couldn't get a reply, u were afk in the street I walked up and was like hey can I get help?


and u were all of a sudden there and could reply instantly, I'm not gonna make a report that says radio was stolenadasdhad ahdhadhadh I said [name] rdm me x5 as PD while I'm PD etc, yu of all ppl are very very quick on the ban hammer without asking why

If you feel as though staff doesn't do anything then apply for yourself and make the change. -shrug-


Maybe with you being on the staff team, I'm sure the sit count will decrease lul. 


They applied because they want to help make a change and it's volunteer work not a paid job.  :WutFace:


I'm not saying id do a better job all I'm saying is why apply for mod if ur gonna always be RP or be Afk? it makes no sense, then u have 5 mods on and 2 are taking sits the other 3 are just AFK doing irl stuff, if ur irl is that busy u shouldn't apply for mod on a huge server, sorry, just makes no sense to apply for mod, then be afk 80% of the time, as if they want the power but don't care to do the work, even if its volunteer seems mod is just a tag for them

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