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Client-side crashing


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Okay so since I've heard a lot of people talking about client-side crashes I figured I'd put my two cents in on how I got the server running smoothly again on my system.


  1. set all of your render settings the lowest possible in gmod. This will not affect the way the game looks as gmod is a very low-res game to begin with.
  2. Turn antialiasing to either 2x MSAA or 4x MSAA this will smooth edges and increase the abysmal framerate on the downtown map due to the graphical overloading
  3. Disable multicore  rendering in the menu, but enable it server-side when the game loads . This seems contradictory I know but trust me it works.
  4. Clean your add-on folder of any unnecessary files, these files may be affecting performance for one reason or another 

If you do all of these things it should stop your game from crashing and create an overall more fluid gameplay experience.

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I would only recommend lowering graphics settings if your pc is struggling to get fps because it can actually degrade performance to lower graphics on a good pc idk why I actually had to turn my graphics UP to get more frames, as they were cloud saved on low for my old pc.

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