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Greyguard Recruitment


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Welcome everyone, to the Greyguard (previously known as TCM) recruitment thread.




Greyguard is a gang that acts as an ethical a thief group. We aim to uphold the law, while also reigning in the fruits of illegal methods of moneymaking.[/align]




Our Code:


  1. We will eliminate all rival gangs and groups that threaten the city
  2. We will not harm or neutralize innocent bystanders (no kidnap of anyone other than a rival gang member)
  3. We will garner money through illegal forms of revenue generation


Our Guidelines:

  • We will not allow anyone with negative reputation on the forums to enter
  • We will not allow anyone with mingey behavior to enter (up to decision of leading council)
  • Scamming anyone for items (even non-cc items) will result in an instant kick
  • Being demoted from a staff position will may  result in a kick from the gang, depending on the reason
  • Members must be fairly integrated with the community, not a user who just joined yesterday







Moist (Derpavid)







Our Application:

[*]What is your ingame username?
[*]How many hours do you have?
[*]How much ingame currency do you have? (will not be reflected in decision)
[*]Why would you like to join?
[*]Anything else you'd like to add? (if nothing, leave this question out)


Please note that your application answers do not have to be long, we simply want a straight answer. This is just background information, as we will be basing most of our decision on our interactions with you ingame.


Thank you for reading, hopefully, I see promising candidates apply soon.


Note: This gang currently has an alliance formed with the police gang, TheDD. If they request our assistance, we will give it to them, but, they must also assist us. However, this does not mean that they will do anything illegal for us, as it would be wrong of them to display favoritism and corruption (against the rules).[/align]


The member list has been pruned to reflect the users still active after our two-month break.


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  1. What is your in-game username?
  2. Moist Chicken (Willing to change it upon request[steam name: J2748]
  3. How many hours do you have?
  4. 516.37. While I was mod my stats were off the charts but since I resigned I have played slightly less
  5. How much in-game currency do you have? (will not be reflected in decision)
  6.  3,012,605 Dollars
  7. Why would you like to join?
  8. Like I said since I resigned I haven't been playing much. But before when I had a purpose(Moderator) I had a purpose and played constantly. I feel joining this will not only help me financially but also give me a purpose for the server and overall make the server a more fun place for me along with that allow me to boost my server hours even more.
  9. Anything else you'd like to add? (if nothing, leave this question out)
    Pointless Things

-I own a fidget spinner swep

-I have a lot of blood money




Things you might want

- I will have permissions to the Tracer Pulse Pistols soon(>1 week hopefully https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=838527414&searchtext= )

-I might be able to get permissions for the intervention swep (Owned by Papa Pippu LEBLANC so thats why maybe)

-I have a stupid supply of blowtorches

-I have a dumb amount of shipments in my invetory. Mainly Thigs like AWP's, Knives, Galils, Shotguns etc.

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