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This is how it begins...


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Prepare yourselves LeBlancs, I'll give you a two-week headstart, then I begin collecting more members... Long live TCM




yo hit me up i want to join i want to destroy those new people! (no offense lool)


(it me sirenfall if u dont remember from olden days we were friends)


Wow a user that has played on the server for 48 hrs thinks they can destroy other new people. Not even zek could do that.


The fuck you just say I was inactive last year for half the year and I am back plus you shouldn't be talking shit


yo hit me up i want to join i want to destroy those new people! (no offense lool)


(it me sirenfall if u dont remember from olden days we were friends)


Wow a user that has played on the server for 48 hrs thinks they can destroy other new people. Not even zek could do that.


The fuck you just say I was inactive last year for half the year and I am back plus you shouldn't be talking shit


It matters who joined first so yeeeeeeedeeseddee


I'll have you know it's just a prank bro

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It will be very explosive and I hope you and your police can handle staying back near your little PD. The LeBlanc's raid the rich and help the poor to keep players coming to the server when we see a 100k raid value on our door what do you want is to do? Not touch the base?


sure, we'll stay back... when you're all dead / in jail.

Let me know when a cop actually inconvenienced me, I'll get back to you on that


You've been in our city for like 2 days XD we'll find you. Even If it takes all our resources and the most elite CP we have to take out the crime family you hide behind.



We've been waiting for cops to touch us.. Even to the point of adverting to them that we have printers and where we are keeping printer near walls to make sure cops would hear them but I never see any come by... If only cops raided us for once it would be a little more fun


in all honesty good cp are actually pretty hard to come across and the ones we already have aren't usually on the same force (they are on duty at different times). plus, you guys are growing rapidly and outnumber us already. the time will come. We need more organization which the gang update can hopefully bring us. Newer CP are generally pretty terrible at raiding (thus why the theatre is always broken) and I would imagine your huge family, which is also usually in a kingdom or several megabases all the time, probably terrifies them just a little bit.


Oh and btw on that note, City laws don't apply to the kingdom so most CP never touch kingdoms anyway even before all this.

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