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Insignificant post of Something I've observed

Dindu Nuffin

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This post doesn't have to mean anything, I'm just getting my 2 cents out about something I've noticed that has increasingly been bothering me.

This post has to do with Staff



As a staff member that tries to be active every day, Naturally you see the things that go on, on the server. One of these things has been bothering me more and more so i decided i'd make a small discussion thing about it to assert my annoyance.


This being, Staff Laziness/ Unwillingness to give effort

Now, before you jump to conclusions, let me explain.


Let's say 4-5 sits come up. They are for Rdm, Rda, or some more complicated reason that takes time and effort to handle. Then a few seconds later(with those Rdm sits still open waiting to be accepted) a sit comes up saying "Help im stuck!" and it is Instantly accepted in like 2.5 seconds.


This annoys me beyond recognition. As a staff member, i can only handle one sit at a time. If more sits appear, i have to rely on other staff to accept them. And nothing pisses me off more than when i take one of those sits, and I'm waiting for staff to accept the others, and the sits stay blank because staff aren't accepting them. But then a "Im stuck" sit appears and BUM BUM DUH! TO THE RESCUE COME THE STAFF! OUR HEROES!


Now I'm not pointing out staff, and I'm singling no one out. I'm not saying its Mods or Trials. I've seen this occur among many staff members, and its drove me to make this discussion.


Staff. You have your position to help the players of the server. Do your job.


Stop only taking sits that take no effort, because it leaves a burden on me and other staff who have to try to struggle to take care of all the ones you are neglecting. 


Thank you for reading this shit stack. If it doesn't mean shit to you, its fine lmao i just needed to vent this out.

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Because they just...don't really care to put in the effort.


A big red flag is when multiple RDM sits are called about the same person. This is a no-brainer and an easy ban if he won't sit down and explain his reason for all this activity. THESE WILL GO UNCLAIMED. I'll be in the middle of something I can't noclip away from (kidnapped or jailed or some shit) and see this EASY BAN SITUATION GO UNCLAIMED. It's like they block out "rdm" and replace it with "this sit is too hard, take a break for reading all this text"


What makes me feel guilty is when I'm doing one sit after another and 5 people are still complaining in OOC about no staff being online and sits going untaken. !staff, 4 trial mods, 4 mods, 1 admin. I'm trying my best, I really am, but even the great Walter usually can't handle more than one at a time!

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Okay, so staff rarely take sits, I could call the people out but I won't. Basically If your not taking sits and your a tmod resign now. You're gonna be demoted anyways. Its stupid to have extra tmods that just use it for extra power to give you an advantage and once your caught abusing your done for anyways that being said I agree with dindu, I may not be a mod but I am an ex mod and It happens to often, I constantly have to tell tmods TAKE SITS!.

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Because they just...don't really care to put in the effort.


A big red flag is when multiple RDM sits are called about the same person. This is a no-brainer and an easy ban if he won't sit down and explain his reason for all this activity. THESE WILL GO UNCLAIMED. I'll be in the middle of something I can't noclip away from (kidnapped or jailed or some shit) and see this EASY BAN SITUATION GO UNCLAIMED. It's like they block out "rdm" and replace it with "this sit is too hard, take a break for reading all this text"


What makes me feel guilty is when I'm doing one sit after another and 5 people are still complaining in OOC about no staff being online and sits going untaken. !staff, 4 trial mods, 4 mods, 1 admin. I'm trying my best, I really am, but even the great Walter usually can't handle more than one at a time!


I overwork myself from how many sits i do, because other staff aren't lmao. Especially when they are trials that aren't doing sits, thats irritating. 

I'm gonna have 2k before summer break if i keep it up  :reckGR: :reckF:


Edit: I do sits more than RP, which probably explains it

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dam you are 100% right.....

I am one of those people......

Has a new t-mod I see my self already doing that and I'm sorry for it.I will honestly try my best to become a better staff !

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dam you are 100% right.....

I am one of those people......

Has a new t-mod I see my self already doing that and I'm sorry for it.I will honestly try my best to become a better staff !


Do you try to spell better too? xD only teasing yeah leeroy, try a little hard but remember you all volunteered and were chosen to be staff, with out you guys we have a bunch of minges and a dead server.

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dam you are 100% right.....

I am one of those people......

Has a new t-mod I see my self already doing that and I'm sorry for it.I will honestly try my best to become a better staff !


Do you try to spell better too? xD only teasing yeah leeroy, try a little hard but remember you all volunteered and were chosen to be staff, with out you guys we have a bunch of minges and a dead server.


Meanie :(

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