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Why Was SeekNDstroy Unbanned?

Golden Pup

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okay from my understanding, seek came to me and asked me to talk to Dascj the player who banned him, I sent musical a picture i no longer have stating dascj had approved the player could be unbanned because it wasn't necessary. Then musical confirmed dindu could. If it's anyone's fault no one should be penalized and I will refuse to talk to staff for others from now on. This is getting a bit out of hand as I see it. Musical was going based off of Noot Noot, who seek originally thought he was banned by, then noot noot told musical it was dascj. They both confirmed the unban.


Okay he has been unbanned twice now. You are talking about the second account of his "unbanning." I doubt anyone will come forward about his first "unbanning" because; A, someone doesn't want to admit they fucked up, or; B, they didn't fuck up and they thought this situation would go unnoticed.


I honestly don't know why DasCJ would change his mind about a ban involving Mass-RDM, especially when the culprit's best answer to, "why did you do it" was something along the lines of, "I just wanted to have some fun." You don't forget something like that easily.


If he is to be unbanned I simply request that he be watched for the first few days and any infractions result in more serve punishments.

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Okay he has been unbanned twice now. You are talking about the second account of his "unbanning." I doubt anyone will come forward about his first "unbanning" because; A, someone doesn't want to admit they fucked up, or; B, they didn't fuck up and they thought this situation would go unnoticed.


I honestly don't know why DasCJ would change his mind about a ban involving Mass-RDM, especially when the culprit's best answer to, "why did you do it" was something along the lines of, "I just wanted to have some fun." You don't forget something like that easily.


If he is to be unbanned I simply request that he be watched for the first few days and any infractions result in more serve punishments.


I agree, that was the whole point. If i had known something like this would've happened I wouldn't of done it. Basically, someone did unban him and then he was banned again. VIP doesn't unban you. So seek this mess became your fault and I don't want in anymore. Look I tried to help you and I went through all the right people but you never told me the whole situation on how people were pissed of your unban. And I sure as heck hope your not bragging to people "I got unbanned" cuz thats sad. So I feel that staff should ask dascj whether or not he can be unbanned again, then I feel that staff also have a vote to unban. That would be the way I'd do it atleast.

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The whole point of this whole unbanning thing is that he was banned for mass RDM. 


>Never made a ban appeal

>Went behind staff and requested an unban

>Got approve through the system without letting anybody know

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Look. I was showed a screenshot from Zesh, Approving the Unban from Musical. I didn't know the situation, or even he was unbanned and rebanned previously.


I just did what the Administrator said. I had no info, If it was a Mod or Trial that told me that it would be different. Higher ups are Higher ups, i assumed he was falsely banned or something.





The first time i am unsure, i didn't do that. I didn't even know about it.



Sorry guys. My bad?

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I wouldn't even say its your fault here Dindu, really the whole problem stems from the fact that he/someone went around the system to get him unbanned which shouldn't be allowed or tolerated regardless of who the heck you are/connections with staff, then it causes shitshows like this.


But I'm just a randy Rando what do I know.

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Yeah, its not really musicals fault either, its more my fault I just gathered information, sent it to musical for the confirmation, That being said if he wants to be unbanned he needs an appeal and he needs dascj to reply saying he can be unbanned or have information regarding the ban was false. What's done is done and the Thread is over with. I'm sorry, I went around everyone, this will not happen again. Dindu you did as you were asked so you don't need to worry and musical didn't know much at hand either. Noot Noot and Dascj will be best at explaining this.

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