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I'm glad I got demoted: Why?

Crabs For Breakfast

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I'm glad I demoted, why? well i see it it this way: premetative murder (purposely) is worse then uncognitive or without meaning to (or insane in the case of murder). I relieve now that admin work is not for me and am glad this discovery has happened now then down the line where it could have a more drastic effect. Even though it took 2.5-3 weeks to get accepted and 4-5 days to be whitelisted despite my efforts to reach out for answers, I feel it wasn't wasted because I learned something about myself today. I can't mod. Well, I can't be a rolemodel mod, and I hope you can all put this aside and play on the server like normal. but for now: Thanks for giving me the chance of the life of a mod, and thanks you for helping me learn something new about myself. I'm sorry those fruits could not be sent the same way. Hope to play with next time.

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That is possibly one of the greatest responses to a demote. Usually people fire back HARD when they get demoted. You on the other hand...handled it like a responsible human being? Props to you and sorry it didn't work out for you!

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Wow, The salinity is high in here. I commend your formal acknowledgment of a demotion and encourage you to try again in the future. The fact your wrote this means you've definitely got what it takes, you just need to understand things a bit better. I look forward to seeing you.

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Props to you crab ! good for you man admitting something about yourself to yourself is not an easy feat.Requires maturity.


Kudos to you bro !


Edit : I realized how fucked my first sentence was LOL

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