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My Broken Tmod


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Hey guys i recently got Tmod and i have a problem. so basically i cant take sits... sits do not show up for me in the top left, i can see the admin popup in chat but i cant see anything inn the top left so i cannot claim them. this has beeen really anoyying and i am just posting this to see if anyone knows anything that might fix this.


Things i have already tried: Relogging, restarting game, verifying game files and waiting for server restart. none of these have done anything.






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oh dear.. first it was the name Moist now its Le. #MakeTitsRPGreatAgain



When you first become staff, you won't be able to take any sits until you relogged. I assume you already done it since this post was roughly 11 hours ago.


Any other questions, feel free to reply to this discussion topic.

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Here's an idea:

How about we put him back down to User and then promote him back to Trial Moderator?


This could fix his issue due to my belief that this issue is possibly a "one-person issue." I believe that lowering him to User rank and then puting him back to Trial Moderator will fix the Staff UI Issue.

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Here's an idea:

How about we put him back down to User and then promote him back to Trial Moderator?


This could fix his issue due to my belief that this issue is possibly a "one-person issue." I believe that lowering him to User rank and then puting him back to Trial Moderator will fix the Staff UI Issue.

yea i think this might work, idk but i'd like to try it

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