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I saw the ban appeal you posted.


I was originally gonna post it in that thread, but I figured it might not be the best idea since it isn't completely relevant to your scenario, I wasn't there, and I'm not staff. It's not exactly shit-posting, but it is a bit opinionated.


Here's my thoughts:


Where does it say that specifically arresting a fellow officer is against the rules? Why is that assumed automatic RDA? I'm not on either side here because it seems there is no evidence either way. I just thought that bit was interesting because police are NOT above the law and I myself definitely will detain, and if necessary arrest, ANYONE that is abusing their role as a protector of civilization, although I do try to demote them first. And usually I only have to do this when there is no staff on. And before you rage at me for doing that, I'm not just gonna sit there and tolerate it and record it to report hours after its already over. Not meaning I won't do that also as I have been, I just prefer to look for ways to handle situations in the moment. Evil succeeds when good people do nothing. This is why irl we have thousands of videos popping up each year of police abuse and murder because nobody wants to put themself at risk to try and fight it BEFORE it becomes a tragedy. Except me apparently.. sorry for the rant.


As for what happened according to staff, it does LOOK like Mass RDA, but based on your side of things, it SEEMS to me that it COULD be possible you were trying to re-arrest a bunch of escaped prisoners?


But I have questions for you:


 • Were there a LOT of players on, or just a handful?

 • How many staff were on? a lot or a few?

 • Were the arrests all at the same time?

 • WHY WHY WHY did you LEAVE if you knew you were being reported?

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I saw the ban appeal you posted.


I was originally gonna post it in that thread, but I figured it might not be the best idea since it isn't completely relevant to your scenario, I wasn't there, and I'm not staff. It's not exactly shit-posting, but it is a bit opinionated.


Here's my thoughts:


Where does it say that specifically arresting a fellow officer is against the rules? Why is that assumed automatic RDA? I'm not on either side here because it seems there is no evidence either way. I just thought that bit was interesting because police are NOT above the law and I myself definitely will detain, and if necessary arrest, ANYONE that is abusing their role as a protector of civilization, although I do try to demote them first. And usually I only have to do this when there is no staff on. And before you rage at me for doing that, I'm not just gonna sit there and tolerate it and record it to report hours after its already over. Not meaning I won't do that also as I have been, I just prefer to look for ways to handle situations in the moment. Evil succeeds when good people do nothing. This is why irl we have thousands of videos popping up each year of police abuse and murder because nobody wants to put themself at risk to try and fight it BEFORE it becomes a tragedy. Except me apparently.. sorry for the rant.


As for what happened according to staff, it does LOOK like Mass RDA, but based on your side of things, it SEEMS to me that it COULD be possible you were trying to re-arrest a bunch of escaped prisoners?


But I have questions for you:


 • Were there a LOT of players on, or just a handful?

 • How many staff were on? a lot or a few?

 • Were the arrests all at the same time?

 • WHY WHY WHY did you LEAVE if you knew you were being reported?

From what I have gained from being staff to estimate:


70% of players play without knowing the rules.

27% are regulars that know the rules.

2% just minge.

1-3% just like to mass RDM/RDA


Of the bans for arresting cops it is usual FAILRP and common sense issues.



Most of the RDA reports even the COP ON COP crimes are just people arresting the people closest to them for the sake of doing so.

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I saw the ban appeal you posted.


I was originally gonna post it in that thread, but I figured it might not be the best idea since it isn't completely relevant to your scenario, I wasn't there, and I'm not staff. It's not exactly shit-posting, but it is a bit opinionated.


Here's my thoughts:


Where does it say that specifically arresting a fellow officer is against the rules? Why is that assumed automatic RDA? I'm not on either side here because it seems there is no evidence either way. I just thought that bit was interesting because police are NOT above the law and I myself definitely will detain, and if necessary arrest, ANYONE that is abusing their role as a protector of civilization, although I do try to demote them first. And usually I only have to do this when there is no staff on. And before you rage at me for doing that, I'm not just gonna sit there and tolerate it and record it to report hours after its already over. Not meaning I won't do that also as I have been, I just prefer to look for ways to handle situations in the moment. Evil succeeds when good people do nothing. This is why irl we have thousands of videos popping up each year of police abuse and murder because nobody wants to put themself at risk to try and fight it BEFORE it becomes a tragedy. Except me apparently.. sorry for the rant.


As for what happened according to staff, it does LOOK like Mass RDA, but based on your side of things, it SEEMS to me that it COULD be possible you were trying to re-arrest a bunch of escaped prisoners?


But I have questions for you:


 • Were there a LOT of players on, or just a handful?

 • How many staff were on? a lot or a few?

 • Were the arrests all at the same time?

 • WHY WHY WHY did you LEAVE if you knew you were being reported?

1. there were many players online ate the time

2. a lot of staff were on im not dumb enough to try and pull that on a populated server like cmon 

3. they were within the same 20 minutes as i played the class for a short time

4. because i get bored and I probably just happened to log off when i was being reported, i had no idea that anyone was reporting me, for i didnt break any rules so i felt no obligation to stay online.

5. im not sure why i would post a ban appeal if i was a minge, wouldnt i just move to another server or give my gmod to another account?

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Just gonna add this, there is no reason for this thread. It serves no purpose, and is just the opening of the great lord of fires drama portal, and needs to end. If you have anything to add that isn't just bickering in a pointless post, might be a better idea to post it on the appeal. Link To The Appeal


 Requesting staff close this thread.

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Just gonna add this, there is no reason for this thread. It serves no purpose, and is just the opening of the great lord of fires drama portal, and needs to end. If you have anything to add that isn't just bickering in a pointless post, might be a better idea to post it on the appeal. Link To The Appeal


 Requesting staff close this thread.


Agreed, I just thought some of the important parts might help a bit.

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