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-1/+1 system is reallly corrupt/biased.


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This thread is more of, "I never get my way, so this server is poop."


If we backed up you, would that be biased?  You never present evidence and if we are going by what you are stating then technically we are being biased towards you.

The reason you never get your way is because you never present any evidence.  We can't really help you unless you present the situation clearly and back it up with statement.


Many of the mods are pretty obviously friends with each other or seem to +1/-1 based on stupid reasons or they dont even state a reason for +1/-1ing in the actual post. The whole thing with Geanie is a pretty good example. He got reported by like 3 people and a Tmod without much evidence but there was some log evidence of propminge and advdupe abuse. He later abused commands in an event and tped me then damaged me. I was unable to make a report at the time annd could not access logs to get evidence of the TP abuse/damage so I asked a mod for help. The report then got denied for "witch hunt" despite the fact that there was solid log evidence of wrongdoing and a long history of abuse/demotions. He has been a Tmod for quite a while now and has been demoted before and paid for mod.

Well I agree with geanie if we are being honest, all staff are not perfect, you should have took a screen shot of the deny message and made a report talking about the context

I do have to agree not all staff are good but unless you report them you are also not helping the situation. If we are being honest, I have no personal grudge on you and I hope after this you can behave and not hate my but you need to do your part on bad staff and you also need to accept if you do something wrong. Sugar can not find all badmins if you reported him it would help you and the server.

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This thread is more of, "I never get my way, so this server is poop."


If we backed up you, would that be biased?  You never present evidence and if we are going by what you are stating then technically we are being biased towards you.

The reason you never get your way is because you never present any evidence.  We can't really help you unless you present the situation clearly and back it up with statement.


Many of the mods are pretty obviously friends with each other or seem to +1/-1 based on stupid reasons or they dont even state a reason for +1/-1ing in the actual post. The whole thing with Geanie is a pretty good example. He got reported by like 3 people and a Tmod without much evidence but there was some log evidence of propminge and advdupe abuse. He later abused commands in an event and tped me then damaged me. I was unable to make a report at the time annd could not access logs to get evidence of the TP abuse/damage so I asked a mod for help. The report then got denied for "witch hunt" despite the fact that there was solid log evidence of wrongdoing and a long history of abuse/demotions. He has been a Tmod for quite a while now and has been demoted before and paid for mod.

Well I agree with geanie if we are being honest, all staff are not perfect, you should have took a screen shot of the deny message and made a report talking about the context

I do have to agree not all staff are good but unless you report them you are also not helping the situation. If we are being honest, I have no personal grudge on you and I hope after this you can behave and not hate my but you need to do your part on bad staff and you also need to accept if you do something wrong. Sugar can not find all badmins if you reported him it would help you and the server.


Make sure you have evidence too!

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I don't know much of the situation or the cliques and alliances on this server as I've only been playing here for a week or two. I can say from my experience on other servers that bias is unfortunately something that shows up everywhere. A server I was on a year or two ago had a group of VIPs always on and basing together, and when they didn't get their way they would all lie for each other and the staff would take their word for it because they had the numbers of a majority in an otherwise ambiguous situation. They basically had a bunch of pay2win classes that mods and VIPs used and they got super butthurt when someone actually beat them. I haven't seen anything like that on this server but the point of this is that people will lie to support their friends or in the very least try to back them in some way. As OP is saying, I agree that the only things that should be considered are absolutes: screenshots, vids, console logs, stuff like that. Perhaps if there is some sort of conflict of interest, parties with relationships to players in conflict (whether those relationships are positive or negative) should be excused from voting and weighing in.

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You must note that the -1/+1 System is implemented in a large collection of Garry's Mod Server Communitiea.


The System might as well be a part of Servers that offer Forums, 


If you complain about the -1/+1 System being corrupt, you are basically saying that every Community that uses it, is corrupt.


I do understand that some people may misuse the System, and if you have proof that they are, you can report them and get them possibly demoted for biasedness.

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Usually bans don't happen if there is no evidence with reports. If you can't prove that they were doing it then they should be held innocent until proven guilty. Of course if there is a good amount of reputable staff commenting saying "listen, I was there and this happened" or even if there was a few respected ranked people or even a good amount of any group of players that can vouch for the person reporting then we can dig deeper and see if a ban is justified.


A lot of people also seem to take the group mentality kinda ordeal where once someone says "-1! He stinks!!" then everyone reading that thread says "He thinks he stinks? I think he stinks too! -1!!". I forget which thread had a perfect example of that and it was just people blindly giving a +1 to a staff members demotion because someone else said +1


Also if you don't leave a comment as to why you're supporting or not supporting someone and you only give a +1 or -1 it is not considered. Finally, it's not like it's a system where if they get x amount of +1's or -1's the situation is over and a result is decided. The +1 / -1 system means nothing, it's only the feedback I look for but its an easy way to immediately see if you support the person or not. People giving feedback on reports with good information can sway a decision, staff giving feedback on mod applications with good information as to why they don't or do want a player to obtain a staff rank also get looked into. It's usually only Neko and I (and some admins) who have the final say on a situation and we try to look into each choice before making a decision.

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