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Pigergast's Introduction


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Hi, my name's Pigergast and this is my introduction(Rick Harrison Meme intended). I originally pronounce my name Pi-ger-gast, but most people like to pronounce it Pig-ger-gast. Either way's fine. I'm a Vietnamese international student currently studying in my freshman year in California. I enjoy trying out all sorts of cuisines, and been playing games since I was 8. In my free time I like to watch anime I discovered Titsrp about a couple of weeks ago, when I was contemplating about giving Darkrp again since I've quit playing it since 2015. So I joined in Titsrp expecting your typical semi-serious Darkrp and oh was I so wrong. Stepping into the server, I sense a casual roleplaying feeling, which is what exactly drives me into Darkrp in the first place, casual harmless fun. Playing in Titsrp always bring laughter in every session I play. Sometimes its a random moment like when you and your friend are talking and a cultist decided to take kidnap your friends to a church called "The Father Of Dreamers"(actually happens ingame), or when you and your squad did a mass raid and fucked up a King's Kingdom. In game, you usually see me either modifying weapons or playing as PD. I kind of have a passion toward play PD. Whether its you mowing down 7 people in PD raid as a juggernaut or being dickweeds when you become a tyrant mayor, it always create a sort of rivalry between PD and the public, which usually results in awesome fights. Talking about the subject of PD, I also own a police gang called TheDD(DD short for Diamond Dogs). When I first created it, I didn't really think it's gonna be anything big, but boy was I wrong. Going around recruiting people, I quickly realized that there are people who is also passionate about playing as PD like me too. The gang quickly grew, now having up to 50+ people that I met while playing as PD. Now that you know more about me, I hope to see you ingame and so we can play together and have some fun!


To end this introduction, I would like to thank Sugar for making such a wonderful and unique server, and for constantly updating the server with new content everyday!

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