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Guess whos back

Salted Seabass

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Ohh noooo, I got warned lmao. I got warned for mass flaming someone lmao. Love you Mr.President. Hey I got warned which may seem like a bad thing, but I would like to point out that Cullen also mass flamed me. To make it fai he'd have to get warned as well. Mods and admins can't  just go and mass rdm, so Cullen should just get warned to, unless of course mods and admins can break as many rules as they please :)

P.S I got warned for flaming someone, so I guess I am pretty hot then ;)

Also I thought you loved me Mr.President, what happened to the love man?

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Ohh noooo, I got warned lmao. I got warned for mass flaming someone lmao. Love you Mr.President. Hey I got warned which may seem like a bad thing, but I would like to point out that Cullen also mass flamed me. To make it fai he'd have to get warned as well. Mods and admins can't  just go and mass rdm, so Cullen should just get warned to, unless of course mods and admins can break as many rules as they please :)

P.S I got warned for flaming someone, so I guess I am pretty hot then ;)

Also I thought you loved me Mr.President, what happened to the love man?




I warned you, it said it in the pm. Also where did he mass flame you? Can you quote the line?

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You can roast me all you want; however, you can't run away from the truth.  I was active during the time you played and also when you got banned from both the server and the forums.  You are the only one that I know that could get banned off the forums for keep demanding for map changes.  


The fact that you are making fun of my profile really shows how ignorant you are and your age.  You have a vocabulary and the spelling of a 12 year old.


If you are going to be making threads on this forums, please atleast play on the server.

He wrote that I have the vocabulary and the spelling of a 12 year old. So not only did he say that but can you quote where I flamed him?

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Literally I did nothing…


All I stated was an exaggeration of the amount of times you demand for a map change…


You kept flaming me because you think I have negative intentions, when really I don't.


Then I got a little mad, so I wrote what was crossed out before, but then I edited it and crossed it out.  Even that wasn't even that bad.


Then you continued to flame me and that is when I told you to stop or you will get re-banned, which you still did.

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I didn't flame you, I just told you that you're getting mad at a kid who has the "vocabulary and spelling of a 12 year old". You still flamed me. If i killed someone and tried covering it up does that mean I can get away with it. You flammed me but crossed it out, doesn't need mean you didn't flame me. Show me where i flammed you

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Wait Cullen, who's that fag looking guy in your titsrp profile? He looks like he doesn't know how to count either. Lol.

Nigga looks like he got cum in his eyes and gots to squint. Maybe he tasted some and that's why he's making a duck face. Lol



Hey person named moist, this is me just saying I'm unbanned and shit. Cullen gotta come in here with all negative vibes and shit so he got flamed


You literally are stating that you are flaming me…


The amount of ignorance from this 16 year old goes beyond the stars

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Since when is being gay bad? Are you saying being gay is a bad thing? Are you homophobic? Girls get cum in there  eye to and love it. Are they get it in there mouth. I was trying to compliment you and you took what I said way out of proportions. I wish I hadn't a girl like that, girls that aren't like that are awesome in my opinion. If i had a girl who would eat my Cum that'd be awesome. I think you were confused about this whole situation. Maybe you might be able to quote where I flammed you somewhere else but I hadn't there

Since when is t against the rules to right how much someone looks like people you envy? If someone came out of the closed then they're awesome for not caring what people think. I was trying to show everyone how much of a confident person you are and look like. What is wrong with that?

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When I say you got flammed I meant that you changed in a good way, you glowed up. Flame=Hot=good looking, so are you saying I roasted you by saying that now you are flammed? So I can get warned for calling someone better looking then they were in the past. Also flame co= glowed up where I'm from

Also I've already stated that I won't be on for a while but I never said I'd never join again. So Cullen if you're gonna say I flammed you and if I'm gonna get warned for it you have to prove it like I proved that's you flammed me

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