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Staff getting money for sits

Not Medi

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Honestly, I really love this new change. But there is a problem, it gives you the money every 20 minutes for every sit you do. In my opinion, as soon as a staff member hits that "Claim case" button. They should get their money. As sometimes I take like 20 sits but then I leave at like the 19th minute. Its sort of unfair. Thanks for listening to my thread

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First of all: You can get money for taking sits for every 20 minutes? How much?


Second of all: Going to have to agree with shit-hair here, You're being a bit greedy, lad.


It's 1k per sit, so nothing too intense, just enough to cover mayor taxes and such.

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I don't think getting money for sits is a good idea in general. But you're complaining about not getting it fast enough. 

Think before posting! (+ this should be a report with the Quality of life tag)

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