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*important* Tools that break DarkRP

nigerian child

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if anything we need to lower the amount you get from events, printer, bit miners, selling entities, and more.


there definitely should be a limit put on weapon dealers' stands so they don't keep ripping people off and making uber profit. I mean that's kind of what you do too, and no I'm not personally a victim of this, but it must suck for the people who aren't paying attention to lose so much money on a temporary item.


In real life, gun dealers, and shop keepers alike, are allowed to overcharge for their products. It’s called buyer’s gamble, and is the buyer’s responsibility to verify the proper cost of a weapon. Also, it’s also monopolizing, if there can only be four gun dealers (plus the supplier which is vip only) on a 70 person server, then those dealers can choose whatever prices that they want.


well like I said, I really don't care personally, because it doesn't affect me. It's true they need to be able to compete with each other's prices but maybe there should be a maximum that they can charge based on the original price. I mean CPs can only charge certain amounts for fines so.... it's a bit unfair moneywise is all. CPs can only charge a maximum of $5000 If someone murders someone but dealers can charge $20,000 for a $2000 gun? how do either of those things seem realistic? just sayin..


You have to pay a fine, you don't have to buy a gun.

Dude just make a dupe of your base and also don't build during a raid


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