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[Official] Map Creation Ideas / Suggestions


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If you could add back Chess & Checkers addons I think the only reason you removed them it was to see if the server would crash , I don't think it was Chess that made it crash because chess was here long time ago and I don't think it has been updated yet . I joined the server at first because it was the only server DARKrp with this addon . I would really enjoy a lot more the server with this addon on . Next it would be awesome if you added new Gambling addon because right now people tend to invent their own way to gamble and it's working but if it was official it would be better , example : Poker , blackjack etc... but don't add the spin machine it's broken it can get money really quick . That's all for my suggestions now thanks .


Chess and Checkers were removed due to all of the crashing as a last ditch attempt to stop the crashing. I believe the crashing has stopped since they were removed, but, i do think in the new map maybe we should give them another shot.

If you could add back Chess & Checkers addons I think the only reason you removed them it was to see if the server would crash , I don't think it was Chess that made it crash because chess was here long time ago and I don't think it has been updated yet . I joined the server at first because it was the only server DARKrp with this addon . I would really enjoy a lot more the server with this addon on . Next it would be awesome if you added new Gambling addon because right now people tend to invent their own way to gamble and it's working but if it was official it would be better , example : Poker , blackjack etc... but don't add the spin machine it's broken it can get money really quick . That's all for my suggestions now thanks .


Chess and Checkers were removed due to all of the crashing as a last ditch attempt to stop the crashing. I believe the crashing has stopped since they were removed, but, i do think in the new map maybe we should give them another shot.


Only reason i think like this is because de-bugging crashing is tricky. Clothing vendor was also removed for this reason.


I mean Chess has been here for a long time and I don't remember the server having a problem with it , i'm not saying I'm good with coding but if chess hasn't had an update I don't think it was the problem I think it was the vendor because I know this one had a lot of updates in it .

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  • 2 weeks later...

More guns.


I legit just said out loud "Are you stupid"


The heck are you suggesting more guns for on a map creation thread u dummy


These are my suggestions, I think it would be nice and add more to thr Roleplay experience as a whole on this server and give more options for different jobs. Not all of them here have to be added but more as just ideas. Here is my list:





  • A official bank (Other than PD)
  • A couple buildings that are more towards meant to be gunstores
  • A park 
  • A rich, middle class, and poor suburbs area
  • Another industrial area
  • A larger downtown area
  • Alleyways where Drug dealers can sell their drugs
  • Lots of buildings for bases
  • A city hall (Good place for Mayors office)
  • A court room (To justify arrests)
  • A bridge
  • More ways to buy armor and Health other than PD
  • Health can be healed at the doctors office
  • A containment center where Hazmat people can bring people with Ebola
  • A weather system
  • A day/night cycle
  • A NPC where you can sell fish too
  • Some sort of system where you can hunt (including fish) Where you sell it to the stores for money
  • A bar

That is about it for my suggestions, if I think of anymore, I will edit this thread. Please consider some of these ideas as they will certainly enhance the roleplay experience. Thanks!


These are pretty cool suggestions. I still want to keep the essence of downtown in tact. And still keep the whole server silly. I don't wanna strive for serious RP (since we know how that ended up). I wanna keep core values intact and work on the week areas


I think having something like:


  • A PD like Evilmelon's that has a mayor room, big jail, underground system, lockdown system + a small court room
  • A forest with a cave and a pond where you can fish
  • The cave is a place where you can mine ore and it has a secret way to get into the underground system of downtown if you find it
  • The underground system should be relatively large and unique compared to all other underground systems
  • A train that circles the underground part and goes around the map
  • Train tracks have other doorways if you run along them to get into the underground system
  • PD can be accessed from the underground system
  • A separate area for the bank which has laser inside that the bank manager can use for defense
  • Some houses can have secrets about them that allow a small underground shelter
  • A hospital with a section to heal and a chamber to quarantine ebola would be cool
  • A small bridge that can be raised or lowered which allows passover from the sewer / underground system
  • Compact for no cars, roads are wide enough to transverse smaller vehicles
  • Just a lot of unique houses / buildings

That's mainly everything I can think of that a really cool map would have. If you have any other suggestions to add onto this, let me know!

I feel like that all of this is great ideas and not much people will have a problem. But for the Weapon Modifier, can there be more chemical hoses around the map so it's more accessible.

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The new map (Beta v2) Is amazing. It makes some buildings more fleshed out and usable, like the small gunshop in in front of pd, and the gunshop to the right of the pd, I also like the sun roofs being open in the cinema and the underground tunnels being visible at player hotspots both an excellent touch. The underground has amazing base spots - and the new industrial building and elevator is amazing. The map feels really well connected with little passage ways and tunnels. There are... tons and tons of new apartments and places that are fit for a base and residential looks amazing. (This might be a bad thing as there are 5 new and.. massive apartment buildings that reduce player interaction but we shall see) 

    The new outdoor building and additions past the ghetto result in the map being really really large...  So, i'd suggest increasing the max player count from 90 to 110 in order to help fill out the map. The underground power area and trainyard brings back a lot of nostalgia and the underground sewer headquarters is amazing. The bank, and new pd are really well done, the pd was in dire need of a makeover and the new pd blows evilmelons away, great job.  The tunnels might be a little tricky to navigate and the octagon may need some more entrances because it's a lot of walking to get around but it seems well thought out.    I think it gives the familiar face of downtown a great facelift and I am pumped for the release!


Some suggestions:


-The beach needs a purpose or more utility or it wont be used at all - like a bigger island with a larger base to build in - perhaps the size of an industrial base only like a cabin design.

-Remove/block off some of the new apartment buildings, they are a bit repetitive and I don't think they will get much use.

-Put a sewer entrance in front of the cinema, maybe just a small latch that brings them down into that power area - I think that would make the sewers more used. If you are familiar with some of the downtown edits - kind of like downtownv4 I believe, they essentially had the entrance to the sewer where cinema is - because that area is kind of like the hub of player interaction.

-Some secret tunnels out of pd so prisoners can escape into the sewers - and maybe like a 4 minute jail time to make this worth while. But yeah, maybe like lockpicks in the jails and the ability to use fist while arrested and a secret tunnel of time kind that can be broken to escape.



-Minor clipping issues in the new ghetto tunnels, when the elevator goes down in industrial it's black and textured. There are probably some more I could point out I just have to give it another look! :D


But I think this is one of the best maps I've seen so great job. And I am looking forward to the release.

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I'm also worried that with so many potentially great places to babase in the underground that so many people will base underground that the surface will start to feel empty. maybe make city jobs that can work down there like on the train or and maybe something else idk what but anyone else it should be illegal to be down there and cp can do routine sweeps of the sewers for criminal activity


just a thought

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