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Neko/Anal Avenger


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Just want to say that these two have been doing a really good job when they are moderating the server...


From what I've seen, and can personally attest to, they are quick to get to sits... with fair/concise rulings. Just wanted to point out that they are doing a good job and wanted to point it out somewhere :D


This is mostly cause I normally only see bitching about mods/admins... and fuck that lol.

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Thank you, I really appreciate this post since most people on recognize poor/bad interactions. But you took time out of your day to show that there are some people who still recognize when someone is trying hard as a staff member. This doesn't happen often, so it makes it that much better when we do get a nice post about ourselves.


You are a good dude, thanks again!


- The Anal Avenger

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