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Bank Manager


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Description: The Investment Bank doesn't do anything. I tried to put money into it and nothing happened. I called for help and UWU showed up and he was explaining that you need to drop money and put it in the bank but it wouldn't go in. The money would just sit on top of the bank and basically... it's broken.


How to reproduce: Uh..... Buy a investment Bank


Priority: low considering nobody plays this job.



Picture: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=816026346



EDIT: I could take a video but I don't feel like it's needed but if so... let me know please. 


P.S: I made a post on the discussion saying we could buff this job and maybe this is a sign  :pogchamp:

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I love this job...


Basically, you could put a max # of cash into the bank and so can others.  As the money stays in the bank, the vault of money increases over time because of interest.  Some of the money when taken out gets distributed towards you and your bank guard.

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