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Banks and inventories were reduced to 1 / 3 of their size because of various issues regarding table locking in fetching and saving inventories which resulted in 90% of people not being able to fetch their inventories. To put it into perspective of how many queries we were running per save / load:


If there was 50 players on the server and a save triggered, it would save all inventories and banks. Each bank was 90 slots and each inventory was 64 slots (I think). Each slot is it's own query because that's how it's designed.


So if 50 * 154 = 7,700 queries within a few seconds (there is a queuing system but I have no clue how well it works for something along these lines), every 2 minutes


At our peak with 70 players, it would be doing 10,780. Also, our VPS is not the strongst one in the world so we were hitting memory capacity very quickly.


Now, I have redesigned how things save and made it more spread out over 10 second intervals per player so it's only running 36 queries every 10 seconds for x number of players, every 8 minutes


To answer your question, I can make a command to fetch your old inventory stuff, it's not an issue to do that and it's pretty simple. I will try to make it for tomorrow or the next day.

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