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The counter rule, and having to be involved.

Neko Sam | Loli Lover

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Alright, this is not a place to rant and say "OMGQTFBBQ NEKO UR RIGHT/WRONG xddddddddd*.



I was curious about if the counter rule was in a good state or not, because there's annoying stuff with the counter rule in its current state, compared to what it used to.


I wanna know others opinion on this rule, and if it should be put back to what it used to.


Whether you are WITH or AGAINST what im gonna say, please be respectful and show a neutral attitude towards other's opinion!






Personally, I think the counter rule should be put back to what it used to. That is, to be able to counter CRIMES done to someone WITHOUT HAVING TO BE INVOLVED. Whether be it a raid, mug or even a kidnap. And so on...



At first I thought it was awesome to not be interrupted non-stop by people who would came up behind and counter me while I was doing something.


I really thought it was, but after a while, I saw some problems with it.



Problem 1: Countering Raids


This is kind of the most stupid one, I can see someone next to PD lockpicking a base, and while everyone is looking at the guy, no one can do anything about it since they need to be INVOLVED by some sort in the raid, that "immunity" is....weird. The only thing people currently have to worry about is cops/owner of the base. You can start a raid and don't bother with people since you are "protected by rules". Raiders should always be aware of their surroundings before raiding, and if they cry about getting countered by 10 people while lockpicking in town square next to 10 people, tell them to git gud.


And also, what I don't like is when someone raids your friend/Someone you like alot, and you cannot do anything except watch in despair as the raider fucks your friend over since your character isn't involved with your friend. 


Example:Neko-Sam's meets sugar tits, a new player who got in the server and Neko finds that sugar is a nice person, so Neko lends 25K to sugar so he can start making money. 10 minutes later, after Neko got killed in a raid, he exits spawn to find a raider named Gazooks raiding Sugar. Neko can't do anything since his character isn't involved with Sugar, and must watch Sugar get killed.


I personally find this to be annoying, as I can't do anything to help out people I want to protect since my character isn't involved with the person I like.

And also, If people could counter anyone without having to be involved, Raiders would have to be extra careful of their surrouding, and couldn't just raid anyone without minding their surroundings like it is in its current state.


One last thing, 90% of the people don't even follow the "have to be involved rule" and I have to keep telling people this rule. If we would remove this rule, it would make things ALOT easier

Problem 2: Countering kidnappers


Ah yes, we all love those cultist's who runs around with their bludgeon out being super obvious. And then when you are minding ur own business,they come up from behind and..You know the drill? Getting kidnapped, seeing him drag you infront of 10 clueless cops so he can put you in his rape dungeon and asks for 10k to let you out? Ah yes, we love those guys....


Except when they kidnap your friend, but since you aren't in a party/involved with him, you cannot do anything else then watch and keep walking. Which is kinda stupid lets be honest, even if my character isn't involved, it doesn't mean I couldn't act like a hero and shoot the kidnapper. If I want to save my friend, that's my own choice, im taking the risk of getting shot at by the kidnapper. Its the kidnapper's fault for not being sneaky and letting himself be seen by someone. Why can't I shoot the guy who kidnapped someone I like? Changing the rule back to what it was would basically mean "Hey kid, don't kidnap infront of 5 people"

And if they cry about it, then we should let them know to NOT kidnap in public. Kidnappers should try to isolate targets and separate them from the public. Not go around swinging their bludgeon to anything that doesn't move for more then 1 seconds, then cry to an admin if someone countered them.


At the time Im writing, im getting a little bit tired of typing, and I still have some reasons about Mugging,Pickpocketing and anything that is a 'crime'. I'll get to it if I have to, but I think that for now its enough reasons to start a good conversation.





"Having to be in a party/Involved" is a really bad rule in my opinion,I think it got added since people were crying over getting countered all the time, but 90% of the time people try to raid/kidnap/etc others infront of everyone. If you are gonna try and commit a crime, be stealthy. Don't kidnap someone infront of 5 people then NOT expect the Custom class guy to snipe your cultist's ass after adverting counter.


Also, someone is probably gonna say "But Neko, why not call cops and have them stop the crime???????"

Let's be honest, how many good cops is there on DarkRp? 80% of them doesn't have a brain,10% of them are scared of doing their jobs,5% of them don't even know the rules and overfine people, and the last 5% are actual good cops who knows how to do stuffs. So even when we call cops, 95% of the time no one comes.

And, I see NO ONE buying civilian phones, they are basically a useless tool, I tried to use it, but no one ever comes.(And yes, there were cops when I called them)



Alright, that's it for my opinion.

To anyone who made it this far/Passed over the huge block of text, If you would give your opinion about the "having to be involved" counter rule  in a reply, I would appreciate it, because sugar would only change a rule if enough people would want said rule to be changed.


If you think the "having to be involved" rule is nice, please post your reasoning too! Perhaps it could change people's mind.


Have a nice day/night!

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It's not what you think, this rule is a lot more forgiving that it sounds. Here is what it really means and it's hard to express into words but I guess if I was to reword it, it would say


DO NOT counter ANYTHING that you never got yourself involved in


The reason why this rule came into existence is because people were countering everything left and right for no good reason.


Cop is cuffing someone? COUNTER -> Kills cop

Player is kidnapping someone? COUNTER -> Kills kidnapper OR even player

Player is getting mugged? COUNTER -> Kill mugger or even the victim

Holding a gun out in public? COUNTER -> Kill the player


When there was no rule like this, you could essentially counter everything even if you weren't slightly involved. See someone doing something harmful / being part of the PD would basically give you the right to counter them / RDM them. There is NO reason why you should be killing these people if you were not involved.


Which brings me to my next point How do you get involved and that answer is a lot more simpler than you think, you just RP it out. This is a RP server at it's core and it's not very RP like when you can just "counter" something. What do I mean by that? Let me explain


If Billy Bob is getting mugged and I like Billy Bob as a friend, I am going to go up to the mugger and say "Stop mugging him douchebag, he is my friend". Then when the mugger takes that as a threat and fires back at you, it gives you full rights to engage and attack him too. That's getting yourself involved.


Cop is fining your friend? Go up to the cop and say "Hey let him go, he did nothing wrong". Cop says "No, he was just caught raiding, he's going to jail", then you say "Let him go now or I will kill you", is getting yourself involved.


The rule was implemented to stop low effort RP. It's not RP if you can advert counter from across the map and snipe a cop if you see someone getting cuffed. It's not RP if you can counter a kidnapper when he is bringing his victim back to his base when you just saw him and decided to kill him because "I was countering his actions". All it is, is a way to RDM someone that doesn't necessarily get you in trouble.


So what you're asking the rule to be changed to is essentially the rule that we have right now. Just get yourself involved, it's as easy as that.

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Ah I see, I thought you had to be involved BEFOREHAND.Which I thought it was stupid since people would be "immune" to counters.


Because,lets be honest, the rule looked like: oh ur not involved? Can't help!




Thanks for the quick reply, I misunderstood the rule. If you could, you should re-write the rule down in ruleset so people don't mistake it like I did.


"DO NOT counter actions unless you're involved with them. For example, being in a party / gang to save your gang member is allowed"


To something like


"DO NOT counter actions before getting involved. For example,asking a kidnapper to release your friend otherwise you might counter the action.



Im with the idea you have about the counter action, the rule wasn't well explained (no offense)


So, thanks for the quick reply.

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lol.. just make sure you're in a party / gang to be countering in the first place, also it says to SAVE not if they're already dead can't do much

You are missing the point, I was talking about countering people in general, I didn't liked to HAVE TO BE in a party to save someone.Kinda made countering "useless" since you could only counter a select few people.



But now that the rule has been explained appropriately, Im quite pleased with the rule actually, makes Rp more present. Sugar just needs to specify that, I hope he rewords that rule in rulesets so everyone understands.

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Sugar's clarification is really, really awesome. Thank you so much for taking the time to post that. I felt as though the rule as we understood it was better suited to RP than the COUNTER EVERYTHING LOL, but the clarified rule is better and perfect.


My story, and why the rule should never be what it was before: A bounty hunter once tried to kill me. I started shooting back. Someone countered my self defense and killed me.

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