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Do you think the option to buy Trial-Mod should be removed?  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think the option to buy Trial-Mod should be removed?

    • Yes,i think in some for or fashion,it is a bad idea
    • NO,i think(for some reason)this is a fine idea and should be kept

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Buying Trial-Mod is probably the worst idea that has ever popped into mind.

Almost  everyone who has bought trial-moderator has mass banned or something crazy and stupid.

Ok Sugar,yes,i realize making money is a key factor for you in order to keep the server ship shape,BUT buying Trial-mod is the worst idea ever.

Some kid bought Trial-mod today less then a hour after joining the server,he then went on to say that he knew what he was doing,and that he didnt need help(Said this to Neko)

This kid who claimed he knew how to "do his job" then proceeded to no-clip abuse around the PD freely.


Keep in mind the key point of this,bought trial mod less then a hour after joining. 

Witch means NONE OF THE STAFF TEAM knows anything about this kid.




Sugar,please remove the ability to buy Trial,its is really bad and only causes problems UNLESS the person has been on the server for a while at the least and the staff team knows some about the person.

Edit:The kid who bought trial mod,is now banned becuase he noclip abused around the map,Mass RDMed,and said he didnt care anymore.



Tunnel Snake Piixel banned Misty Chronexia for 69 years (Abuse af, Mass RDMing, cya l8r algtr)


Well that should be a good enough point for my post.

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Buying Trial-Mod is probably the worst idea that has ever popped into mind.

Almost  everyone who has bought trial-moderator has mass banned or something crazy and stupid.

Ok Sugar,yes,i realize making money is a key factor for you in order to keep the server ship shape,BUT buying Trial-mod is the worst idea ever.

Some kid bought Trial-mod today less then a hour after joining the server,he then went on to say that he knew what he was doing,and that he didnt need help(Said this to Neko)

This kid who claimed he knew how to "do his job" then proceeded to no-clip abuse around the PD freely.


Keep in mind the key point of this,bought trial mod less then a hour after joining. 

Witch means NONE OF THE STAFF TEAM knows anything about this kid.




Sugar,please remove the ability to buy Trial,its is really bad and only causes problems UNLESS the person has been on the server for a while at the least and the staff team knows some about the person.


I completely agree with this, as people should not be able to just buy T-Mod legit within a MINUTE of joining the server, as all of the regulars and staff have absolutely no idea who they are or what they are like. There should AT LEAST be a requirement to buy it, such as (x) amount of hours on the server, or the staff should take some sort of vote, as we don't want completely random kids buying T-Mod, and possibly abusing, or doing something else that should not be done. Like Harley said, some kid who has LESS THAN 1 HOUR on the server just bought T-Mod, and has been no clipping around even after being told to stop. If the money from it is that badly needed, then make some sort of requirement like I said with a certain amount of hours needed or a certain amount of staff support in order to actually be made a T-Mod.

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Yeah, i think the tmod buying after 3 mins of joining should be removed, it shouldn't be an "automatic" process, there should be a discussion first about if he has been on the server enough and if he's worthy of being part of staff, a 15 mins kid buying tmod is a little... Idk how to express it but you get it.



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Most of our top staff are people that bought trial moderator.  I mean I looked a thing previous accepted moderator application and I've saw that a lot of the staff have bought t-mod.  For example, tunnel is a admin who bought t-mod.  He is probably better than most of us.




I could also name a lot more people that have bought trial moderator, but tunnel is one of the recent person and most likely that everyone would know. 


The reason that Sugar has this is because they get to skip the application process.  If you see a new player and recently buys trial moderator, all you need to do is just spectated him and help him out.  If he starts abusing take action in your own hands and ban him AND instantly report him on the forums, so we can take the necessary action in order to ban him.


There is no need to get rid of the system because it generates revenue for server and it keeps the server running.


(Edit #2):


Ok... Maybe Sugar should added that you need at least 15 minutes in order to buy t-mod.  The whole purpose of buying t-mod is so that you can skip the process of the application.  The application requires 15 hours in the past week.  


Sorry that I read it wrong at first

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Ok.......... He got banned.


He wasted $20 to get himself banned for a couple of minutes on the server as a trial moderator that could ban for a maximum of a day.


If I was in sugar's shoes, I wouldn't change anything.



Because our current staff took the action of banning him and I received $20, which is nice because I have a huge student debt  and he can't get his money back.


Do you guys see my point?


I mean I said all my points as a player for the server/moderator for the server:

Most of our top staff are people that bought trial moderator.  I mean I looked a thing previous accepted moderator application and I've saw that a lot of the staff have bought t-mod.  For example, tunnel is a admin who bought t-mod.  He is probably better than most of us.




I could also name a lot more people that have bought trial moderator, but tunnel is one of the recent person and most likely that everyone would know. 


The reason that Sugar has this is because they get to skip the application process.  If you see a new player and recently buys trial moderator, all you need to do is just spectated him and help him out.  If he starts abusing take action in your own hands and ban him AND instantly report him on the forums, so we can take the necessary action in order to ban him.


There is no need to get rid of the system because it generates revenue for server and it keeps the server running.


(Edit #2):


Ok... Maybe Sugar should added that you need at least 15 minutes in order to buy t-mod.  The whole purpose of buying t-mod is so that you can skip the process of the application.  The application requires 15 hours in the past week.  


Sorry that I read it wrong at first


^^ Here ^^

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Some of our better mods / admins / head admin are paid mods.


As Cullen said, the option to buy it is there for a reason which is to not buy it for shit and giggles. Go and read what it says. If people buy it and abuse, they get demoted / banned + the server gets $20.


If you're still thinking of me a a money hungry server owner because of this one option to buy a rank then you should really reconsider your opinions and put some more effort into your thought. I try to make this server as fair as possible, I don't care about money off a garry's mod server. Really, I really don't and most of all, I really don't want to take your money. In fact it even says on the homepage for the donation site:




People don't buy TMod often and when someone does buy it and they abuse, they get demoted / banned in a second. Just think of it like this really extreme analogy that Gazooks complemented me on, you all have the option to buy a gun once legal age. With that option, you can be a sociopath and buy a gun to kill everyone or you can use it with actual reason. One gets you killed / life in prison while one just lets you move on with your life.


Edit: Gazooks did not compliment me. He said it was a poo poo analogy. Sorry for being a huge liar. I promise to not do it again.

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Buying tmod really isn't an issue. Gazooks & I even raced to unban someone he banned lol, he had minimal effect on the server, he was just stupid

I would not mind a requirement, though, although it's not needed

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I bought T-Mod and I thought I was pretty good. But thats just me but I do think that the paid T-Mods should be watched a bit more than other staff just because of the fact that they are unpredictable and could cause problems. An example of this was Wolf God and Cooperr. All they did was claim sits about them and usually banned them for a reason they did not commit or just something stupid like that.

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