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hi guys


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i would just like to point out that for some reason i still exist even though 70% of the staff team doesnt even know who i am.


i honestly dont know why im not permabanned from the server yet





i mean





im not that toxic










-love coltz, the abusive trial mod (and like the only tmod who actually didnt pay)

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Uhm, a lot of t-mods didn't pay


it was a fucking joke oh my gosh can you even understand sarcasm like i work so hard to make a great post and this is how im treating im honestly so fucking offended right now like how can you even fucking do this shit you fucking horrible person do you even realize what you have just fucking done to me i hate you so much you fucking make me furious go kill yourself you racist oppressive piece of cancer like its not even that worth it to fucking speak to me like that you piece of shit you have so many fucking issues its not even funny youre so fucking offensive and triggering it makes me want to tear your eyeballs out you dumb asshole retard kill yourself

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Uhm, a lot of t-mods didn't pay


it was a fucking joke oh my gosh can you even understand sarcasm like i work so hard to make a great post and this is how im treating im honestly so fucking offended right now like how can you even fucking do this shit you fucking horrible person do you even realize what you have just fucking done to me i hate you so much you fucking make me furious go kill yourself you racist oppressive piece of cancer like its not even that worth it to fucking speak to me like that you piece of shit you have so many fucking issues its not even funny youre so fucking offensive and triggering it makes me want to tear your eyeballs out you dumb asshole retard kill yourself



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