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I don't Know Why I Get Blamed for this...


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hecko I am a new user to this server and GMOD it self. I was recently banned for the claim that I said "I would DDOS the server" A person(s) that was on, his name is Huan and VortexRadiation. When I was on earlier I was playing casually. I was invited into a skype call with them and I guess they copied my steam ID and told someone that I was the one saying that or something around there. I want to prove that I did not Say that. First off I did not get banned until after I went off GMOD because my father needed help setting something up, so the ban was after the fact of that. I said no such thing about DDOSing the server. There is one thing I remember though... When I was ingame he PM'ed his skype so that I could join the call... I informed him just incase that dont give your skype to anyone because it takes two seconds after you give them your skype to get your IP address. He said I know and if I did DDOS him his mate would DDOS me back... I said woah chill out I wont do that ! I added that I only have like 5 dollars in my steam account how could I afford a DDOS System... I don't really know much about DDOSing to be honest I don't know how I got in trouble for it... I would like to be unbanned please I did nothing wrong.


VortexRadiation's: STEAM_0:0:91959066

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