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new map


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I think that the map is fine, but I agree with the others, add A sewer, that adds more places for hobos to fester and live, or add a subway area underground with a working train, that can add a job maybe. Maybe a bigger PD or a nicer downtown. its the littlethings that fix it all in the end. But a nicer map with more additions would be nice. and if it doesnt work just switch it back

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Changing maps is something that I have always wanted for a very very long time. The bottom and sad line is, it will not work. While the community beefs up the playercount, for the most part it's the new players who keep the server alive.


The playerbase consists of usually 10%- 20% staff / 40% Regulars / 40% - 50% new people. Why do I say this? It's because new players will not join a server that #1 doesn't have a big enough playercount and a server that has a map that they have to download. Just think about it, if you were going to join a new DarkRP server, why would you join a server that's on RP_Downtown_superOptimized_v23_pf with a playercount of 2. Even though the map sounds super sick, you don't want to play with 2 players unless the community is new and you're seriously looking to build a foundation.


We have switched the maps a total of 10+ times. 3 - 4 of them were not too serious switches but the other 7+ were. Each and every time, the playerbase dies without question and every time that happens, I revert the server back to this map and voilla we have a stable playerbase again. My saying is that..no one likes this map but everyone puts up with it. All of the regulars and staff do not like this map and I hate this map with a passion. It lacks a lot that I really liked about DarkRP. There are no secret areas, no sewers, the PD blows and that's all I did was base in houses with secret areas or play as PD.


Since you have never been here for the map changes, it's not like the map changes are random. They go through weeks and months of planning and letting the community know the switch will happen. From my memory these are the maps we have switched from - to:

  • Evilmelon - Starting server map, we launched in late July 2014 with 32 players, we were filled 24/7
  • Downtown_v2 - Switched due to requests
  • Some weird downtown - Playerbase died
  • Evilmelon - Original playerbase came back
  • Downtown_v2 - Original players came back + new players
  • Downtown EXL -  2 week notice, Orginal players stayed, averaged 12-24 players at peak hours
  • Christmas map - This is when lost and place came on our server, we were usually filled
  • Downtown_v2 - Even more players
  • Downtown_v2_large or something - 3 week notice, Stayed capped for 3 days then dropped 100%
  • Downtown_v2 - Regular playerbase
  • Evilmelon - 2 week notice, Capped for 45 minutes then dropped 100%
  • Downtown_v2 - Regular Playerbase
  • EvoCity - 2 month notice, died within the first 10 minutes of the switch
  • Downtown_v2 - Where we are today

It's just all in the history of this server. Map changes never work and will never work unless our server is filled 100% of the time, our forum activity is insane, the server population consists of 75%+ of regulars and ect. It takes a very strong community to just "move maps" and if you do move maps, you better be ready for the player drop because it WILL happen no matter what you do.


Even if you say "Oh no, but Sugar I would always stay and play, I really would!", it's not enough. I am not scared of change and I love change but changes like that are VERY large and make or break the server in an instant.


TL;DR I said we would never switch ever ever again unless I need to cleanse the community and I don't hate you guys so I won't do that to you.

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