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Sir Stache


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  1. I'm finally back, and I feel as though this is the time little kids need to be told they cant kill each-other the most. So I'm ready to dive back into the cesspool that is the Garry`s mod community. But I am no help at all without my moderator powers. If they could be granted to me once again I could continue fighting the good fight in Sugar's name, if he so desires. Thank you! P.S. I probably wont disappear randomly into the night never to return again. P.S.S. Anything I should know about that has changed in approx a year or so?
  2. Description: When using the CC Editor in game you can swap out weapons at will. However, if you have bought a $5 gun like an AWP you should be able to only swap it for other $5 weapons, this is not the case. You can swap $5 weapons for 10$ weapons. How to reproduce: Use the CC Editor in game, select a $5 weapon and then select a $10 weapon from the menu to swap it out with, like stealthcamo. Priority: That is more Sugar's discretion, but I would say high. Also, when I found this bug I noticed that you cannot switch items worth $10 back to weapons worth 5. Would it be a possibility to have a $10 item swapped for two $5 weapons? (after you fix this bug, of course)
  3. Why was the slider tool removed? If it is at all possible I would like it added back in please.
  4. My history teacher once told me that he had taught a semester in China (Same town as the square, just dont remember the name of it) a while back that the day he had taught a lesson on Tienanmen Square and the massacre there military fucking personnel, actual armed soldiers went to the place he was living at the time and essentially "fired" him, forcing him to leave and come back to Canada mid-semester. Its pretty fucked up
  5. Im up for judging as well, when is it?
  6. Sugar eats poop all fucking day, while fucking his down-syndrome
  7. Sugar eats poop all fucking day,
  8. I agree, this map has an underground city area thing and a sewer, perhaps we could use this one (there is a version without the sewer if you want) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=494889294 The spawn has some new buildings in it though, If we do go to this map the spawn should probably be moved to the fountain so that we do not have to prohibit basing in a few new buildings. The map does not really add giant new areas, rather is used a lot of wasted space to drastically increase the amount of usable buildings. I like the map, and it is not too far of a stretch from our version of downtown,
  9. Five Stars, Atom Bomb Baby Hozier, Arsonists Lullaby
  10. I am leaving for a while, a long while. Do not know when I will be back, got some shit to deal with. Goodbye. EDIT - Shit cleared up long before I expected it to, I will be on again sometimes.
  11. When trying to connect to the game and load the Libelsuite font my computer freezes and I have to restart it. If anyone knows a fix to this problem (or where I can download the font on the workshop, I couldn't find it) it would be greatly appreciated.
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