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The Wabbajack


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The Wabbajack


I want to hear everyone's opinion on this weapon because it causes a lot of problems and creating NPCs are really annoying.  I am not going to lie here, I honestly think sugar should replace this stupid weapon with something cooler.  This weapon causes many problems towards interaction with other players and creates NPC that do nothing except annoy the living shit out of you.  Also, the fact that it could turn players into a NPC is really annoying.  Those are my points about this weapon and I want to hear other opinions. 

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Remove that evil thing. It gives me errors for no reason, even though I have all content for it.


Also, it's basically a Mass RDM stick where people can claim that they "misclicked".


Like the lightsaber, people should be able to switch something out for it.


Very few people enjoy it whatsoever. 

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The weapon itself breaks RP and should be removed in the same sense that Lightsabers were removed for also breaking the RP feel.


The weapon making NPCs aren't really there to do anything else other than annoy players, as it was like that from the Elder Scrolls games.



Only problem with removing it is that it's one of the few "fun" weapons left. It does something different, it can be used in combat and has a comical attachment to it. Nothing is as entertaining as a pedo trying to kidnap you when you wabbajack them into a pigeon.


If we are to remove the wabbajack, I'd much rather prefer something fun over something cool by now.

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I only know a couple of people that actually enjoy this weapon and there not even regulars for the server...


But, some people have it on there CC, so I really don't want to start the whole Custom weapon drama again. <- This isn't a custom weapon

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I really enjoy the wabbajack, it just has to be used properly is all, If anything make it VIP+ only to avoid too many people gaining access..


There's still a problem. I've banned many VIP's before for just mass rdming with it. (on purpose too)


It's a problem for everyone because it can randomly explode.

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Going to Tyrant saying of needing more "Fun" weapons to the server.

I feel that should be more towards Custom weapons rather then actual server weapons.

That is just my opinion though...

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Theoretically, Fun weapons are usually OP. Plus making them CC only is kind of a buzzkill, then there will be the "You only do it so people have to buy into the server!" forum posts ( I ran a CS:S server where we limited AWP's, and server slots to paid VIP players..) 


The wabbajack is Fun and yes if misused can cause mass RDM. If used correctly (as a defence weapon, or during a raid) theres only the potential for crossfire.

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